Nov 18, 2008 19:17
i am about to shit a brick of total AGGRAVATION over this as-of-now nonexistent paper.
i swear i'll make a real post sometime soon, but this is the only free time i've had since i'm working slave hours at target (i now see red EVERYWHERE) and i'm either there or in my prison of choice -- school (UCSD).
and you know what's sad? my free hours now consist of doing homework. this is supposed to be my relaxing time. do you see the problem???
and now JSTOR, the lovely site i owe my life and research papers on, is completely FAILING ME.
i refuse to believe there is not one single article focused on Hernan Cortes' alliances with other native peoples to form an anti-aztec coalition.
i know it happened, i just need proof! i need sources. so where the fuck are you!!!
i am in my bitchtower,