I am your average apathetic I-DON'T-GIVE-A-SHIT American teenager.
My idea of being informed is watching The Daily Show and
ohnotheydidnt I AM NOT AWARE.
Ok, maybe a little bit.
But - uh - I totally am sucking like a Hoover trying to figure out a national current event to do a report on for my AP Gov class.
Everything is blah blah MIDDLEEAST blah blah PARIS HILTON blah blah LEBANON.
The same shit.
Some international shit that isn't serving me ANYTHING.
*shakes fist* It's not my fault that the US isn't the center of the universe right now...
I suppose I can do that Stem Cell Veto thing that all my class will do.
Now to find an article on it. *bites tongue*
At least I have some awesome music playin. It makes me want to strip nekkid and chair dance in front of the window.