of 1621 INDIAN A: Excuse me, but pale-faced seems like a racially charged term. Can we call them something less offensive?
CHIEF: Like what, Hugs-With-Trees?
INDIAN A: Well, their boots make a cracking sound when they walk, why don't we call them Crackers?
LOL, who says history doesn't repeat itself?
Speaking of history, I need to go back and review before I go back to my gym or hell as you folks may refer it as.
As for my Lit exam, I'll be happy - ecstatic - if I get a 4. I finished the three essays with 50 - read that - 50 MINUTES to spare.
I do NOT think that's a good omen. They were so mediocre(like low-grade quality BS) and I didn't leave much room to write coherent sentences.
sbeegee, want to tell me about native american indians in the 19th century? 'cause some girl over at
apcentral is freaking out over that being a possible DBQ and I realize I don't know ANYTHING on that.
ILU. ♥