Nov 13, 2010 19:57
Dear Yuletide Writer,
Thank you for sharing your energy with the world in the spirit of Yuletide! I am a simple kind of fan; Yuletide and a few other year-end challenges are typically the extent of my active participation in fandom/fanfiction these days, so I just try to have fun. I hope you are doing the same! Here is some additional details if you need inspiration or are wondering where I was going with those requests. Use/ignore, totally up to you!
"Alejandro" (Music Video) -- Lady Gaga
I really have no preconceived notions of what this could mean. Go crazy. I'd love something about the Gaga character with the fabulous black cat suit and severe blond bob. Totally looks like someone named Yvonne that smokes too many cigarettes and drinks hard liquor behind everyone's back and dances like a crazy person at local picnics. I am not as crazy about the gun-toting / habit-wearing cast of characters, but you can't go wrong if it comes from your heart/spleen/guts.
Pineapple Express -- Dale/Saul
After a recent James Franco-related renaissance (think Freaks & Geeks marathons and actually purchasing and reading his collection of short stories), I had to request some PE fanfic. This movie is a gem -- I laughed so hard in the scene where Saul puts his foot through the windshield and it gets stuck. I love that he loves his bubbe so much. I love that he loves the world so much and that he's so comfortable with himself that he can just stare at Dale like he's the best thing in the world and not be self-conscious about it. And I truly believe that most of the movie is a dream; after Saul and Dale smoke pot together on the couch, I am of the mind that they had a shared hallucination and that the movie really ends with them waking up on the couch together with a wicked case of the munchies. And then there's porn. That aside, I don't care where you take this, but it's pretty freakin' obvious that Saul is enamored with Dale. If you can get them to make out / hook up in hilarious and/or filthy ways, you will be my hero.
Back to the Future -- Marty, Jennifer, Doc
These three movies have recently becomes staples in my house, so I've been subjected to all three multiple times and in marathons. As an adult watching them, I'm struck by a few things: (1) Marty is really quite flawed and (2) How does he pick up the pieces once Doc leaves? Honestly, I am obsessed with what happens after the third movie. Do Jennifer and Marty stay together? (Previously it had been discussed she only stayed with him because she felt bad after what happened with the truck wreck.) What does Marty do with his life? How do his memories of the previous "present" and current "present" intersect? He technically grew up with a loser dad, drunk mom, and relied on Doc. Now that his family is "better" and Doc is gone, how does he reconcile his experiences? (P.S. - I totally don't think Marty and Jennifer stay together.) Would love some insight into Marty the rock star in the "fixed" future, as well. Or some exploration into Marty post-truck wreck in the "unfixed" future -- wouldn't he have railed on Doc to go back in time to stop the accident from happening? That's gotta be something. ANYWAY! Because of the time-traveling nature of the story, there are lots of places to go. I am not a huge fan of Marty/Doc slash (um, because!), but I am a sucker for realism and if you can make me believe it, I'll go along for the ride.
Much love and good luck, Yuletider!