* I had about ten things I was supposed to do tonight, as seems to be the trend recently. Instead, I fell asleep on the couch without even meaning to *sigh*. At the moment I would choose anything over work tomorrow...scrubbing a toilet, washing dishes, walking on hot coals....
* Televisions in cardio machines are one of the best ideas. I would continue to pay any amount for a membership at my gym just because they have those. Such a good distraction from how your muscles are burning. I do best when I'm distracted.
* It has so many flaws, but I'm really enjoying Glee all the same. It's mostly for the musical numbers honestly. They look like they're having so much fun doing them. It makes me want to sing. Sort of like when I watch Centre Stage, which makes me want to dance. It still surprises me too how much I enjoy Being Erica - which I am going to do everything in my power to get as a
yuletide fandom this year. The writing and directing is surprisingly...smart, and they actually let the characters evolve. Plus Erica and Dr. Tom = platonic ♥, though I'd read fic about them even if I never want the show to go there.
* Did anybody else get very early signs of winter? It snowed here yesterday...and it stuck around. Things like this are not supposed to happen this early in October, though I do have a few fond < /sarcasm> memories of Halloweens in snowsuits. Speaking of holidays, I think my time off this year is going to be limited to what amounts to a long weekend over the Christmas season, woot! I could technically take more time officially off, but I'm the only one not actually leaving the country so it's not so practical - especially since I'm very susceptible to guilt trips.
* I actually had an idea for
smutty_claus, but I'm not sure how well I can execute it. Of course I was trying to start writing while half asleep during a few spare moments, which is never a good idea. It's not that I have a hard and random assignment exactly, it's just that I would like to give my recipient her self proclaimed 'OTP' from her list which limits a lot of options. At least I shall produce some fic; I think the only thing written since the last exchange I participated in was the Star Trek character piece from two weeks ago.
* ....I think I need to go try and sleep. Yes, I'm sort of updating just to update....