Mother F@#$@#!!!!!

Nov 26, 2008 11:40

So the flooring rep came by today. My father-in-law was there to meet with him.

The verdict: replace the entire floor

Apparently we got part of a bad batch of flooring. I don't know exactly what was wrong with the batch, but I'm assuming that it had something to do with the separating.

Now we have to figure out what will happen with the baseboards with the re-install. I have an awful feeling that they are going to end up being ripped out.

That does not make me happy at all. I actually feel a bit sick about it. It took me more than a week to get them to where I was happy with them. So that puts me at a week and a half with removal (along with all the appliances, furniture, etc), replacement and redoing the baseboards. The time sink is the rounded corners and getting them sanded and perfect.

I cannot take the time off to deal with this. Scheduling is going to be a bitch with the holidays and the whole process Tam is going through. It looks like they will either have to do it next week or just before Christmas.

Fuck me.

Update 1:

The baseboards have to come out. The flooring company is going to do the replacement. Tam gave them a deadline of the 10th, but it's looking doubtful because of red tape in getting the baseboard replacement signed off on by the flooring manufacturer.

I also forgot to mention that the posts on our island now have to come out. Their replacements will be getting charged to the manufacturer as well (if we can say that they couldn't be re-used).

son of a bitch, flooring, fuck

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