Happy Halloween.

Nov 01, 2005 21:04

Haloween was neat.
We went to Shady Lane. Which wasn't scary.
We included Alex(who's now brunette), Zach, Dustin, Pat, Michelle, Scott, and various others.
Minus Jordan because for some reason he didn't want to go and left while Alex and I were with Zach.
And he broke something on his Civic which is bad but we laughed.
Oh and before we even GOT to Zach's house I freaking hit some guys car in the parking lot of PDQ which I will now have to pay for god damn.
ANYWAYS Zach and Alex and I drove to Shady Lane.
Met up with some homies.
Then after we made Dustin sick on the tire swing, and Zach figured there had been black people (because there was a basketball hoop) and we explored for a while some peeps had to go home.
Then we waited for Tony Angus to meet us.
And then we ventured out to this old ammunition place.
Which was fucking scary.
Dustin haha couldn't go in it anymore.
Him and Scott left.
So freaking Pat, Zach, Tony, Alex and I. We went in.
Walked down the freaking scary ass shooting range thing.
I don't know if Tony and I are friends.
Seemed like we were he was nice.
Scary stuff and Tony was scared of the roof because supposedly there are bats.
Haha bats wtf.
Anyways it was a pretty nice halloween I got home late again but my mother did not find out which is good.
And now I work the rest of the week but Pat and Alex want me to go out this weekend somewhere idk.
And I had to go out to eat with my mother and grandma tonight which fucking sucked but my mom paid for half of my gas which was neat because I'm pretty broke right now.

And I keep thinking of someone who I'd like to be holding in my arms right now.
I'm still hoping?
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