Taking time off from school has given me a chance to reflect on what I want out of my education and how to get it, and potential future careers and how to prepare for them. As always, there is le list.
1) keep volunteering with
StandUp For Kids. it's enjoyable, it feels good, and it might help me decide if i want to stay in the psychology field.
2) get internship with SUFK. again, will help me determine grad school/career path, and will look good on resume'. see if this will count as class credit.
3) going forward, take no more than 2 "hard" classes at a time. NCF doesn't believe in "easy" classes but i find the psychology and humanities classes come easier to me. no more of that two-biologies, two-maths bullshit.
4) develop close relationships with professors so i have good grad school recommendations.
5) take on voluntary position with school or public library. see if this will count as class credit. will help me decide if i want to become a librarian.
6) develop relationship with at least one librarian for another grad school recommendation.
7) know that i can do anything i want to do.