the last x number of months.

Jun 24, 2008 14:03

This summer has not been particularly interesting, but I am keeping busy. I'm goign to class at U of H for the summer but have nad lots of trouble dealing with the school. After not being accepted until the day before registration closed, not being allowed to take classes I needed to take, being registered for a class I was already taking at a wrong time, and basically things just going horribly, I've been not too happy to be there. Right now I'm taking principles of probability and statistics, which I'v e bascially already taken back in high school and don't know why I was put in and intermediate accounting which meets for four hours on monday nights (I tried to take 2 accounting classes during the day but apparently you can only do that if you happen to be an accounting major permanently enrolled at UH. Also due to missing 2 of the first 3 days and getting a basically unsalvagable grade because of it, I'm having to drop that class. So it's not enjoyable but I have to do it since as a double major studying abroad I need to get three credits outside of school, so yeah.

Otherwise, I'm spending my weekends waiting tables at Fish City Grill on Buffalo Speedway and Westpark. I really like working there. I enjoy dealing with customers (excuse me, guests) and selling something I'm passionate about (food). We have a good product, value service and employee satisfaction, and have good co-workers. Training was a little rough--I'm the first person there who had to pass the practical (waiting on the managers) but passed it on my second attempt. As a full-fledged server As I said, I really enjoy it and also get paid in cash every day. Come by and eat sometime, It's a great place.

I spent the past week working in a different way, by RAing at JSA symposium. Honestly, it was more fun the second time. Sarah Longhofer and Eric were the other RAs so there were people I knew there. The symposium had been moved back a few weeks due to school (or something) so there were only 39 kids instead of the normal 120-130. However, this intimate size seemed to really help since evreybody was more involved and everybody, especially the staff, got a good feel for all the kids. We did all the normal symposium things--go to the capitol for speakers, visit the presidential libraries, stuff like that. There was a brief crisis involving the dance as our spot wasn't reserved, but we found a place to make it work. Though exhausting, it was a worthwhile expenditure of my time (and I made $250).

So when I last left me on LJ, I believe it had just become March. yes, that sounds right. Not like I'm going to check or anything, but let's say March. So midterms sucked because they corresponded with MDC's newly renamed DAO week (standing for Diversity, Awareness, and Openness--formerly Erase Hate Embrace Tolerance (EHET) week, James thought that was too clunky so we changed it after Hollis (finally) came up with a decent name). I had programs just about every night and by the time it was time to study for the Chinese exam I was spent. Spring Break was welcome to say the least.

So what was spring break? It was a road trip back to Clare's home in sunny Starkville, Mississippi followed by camping at Petit Jean. I really enjoyed seeing where Clare comes from even if the town is sleepy enough that when two people show up at a movie late means it doesn't start. After a few days and some good food later, we drove back to Central Arkansas' own Petit Jean State Park (we were even able to run errands in the Rock and Conway!). Petit Jean is great--it's a mountain about 45 minutes outside of Conway with some of the world's best hiking. So what did we do? hiked. And then sat in the hot tub at the cabin. And hung out with Clare's parents. It was fun.

I returned to school go to head on into rehearsal. Yes, I auditioned for the Senior Sem production and won a part-that of Almanzor (the servant) in Moliere's The Pretentious Young Ladies.The thing about rehearsal is that even though it eats your life, it's the highlight of every day. I only had one line so there wasn't really any outside work for me, but there were no shortage of learning experiences. We learned the Thriller dance (even perform it at one point in the production) and I learned all about stage makeup and how to up a mohawk (oh yeah, I had a punk look so my head was shaved (and still is) into a mohawk. If you catch me at a concert it'll probably be up but I need another go through with the trimmers). The play was a great success and I am officially one of the Hendrix players. I'm going to have to be in more plays.

One of the highlights of the year at Hendrix is KHDX's spring concert. This year we were bringing in Of Montreal for the big show and those guys were fun. They were really cool. Oh, and the concert was a blast too, even if I had to stick around until very late to take down the stage. WE also did the smart thing and got the stage set up the day before the concert so the day of the show wasn't a marathon

Outside of the play, I did lots of work. Enough to actually miss out on a lot of those fun social things I go to but I did host a number of prospies. There is one thing I have to mention though: becoming an avatar. See now, my friend Josh Hernandez was going out of town for a weekend to catch Bobby McFerrin and Chick Corea in concert but before he left he decided that he wanted me to take his place for the weekend, but he forgot to tell me. Eventually his friends would run into me and say like "it would be awesome if you lived at Josh's apartment this weekend" and eventually I learned of the whole plan. So what did I do? I slept in Josh's closet (he sleeps in a closet--it's nicer than it sounds), played video games all day, made snide comments on B-movies, tried to convince Dylan to do stupid things, randomly drank gin and tonics, and didn't help with the dishes. It was great fun.

Academically I did okay this semester--two A's and two B's raising my overall GPA to just shy of a 3.48 (shooting for a 3.5). I'm very proud of my final paper for seminar--It was 23 pages of contemporary Thai Buddhist philosophy and its relationship to economic development and human rights. Pretty interesting stuff and I made an A on it (after committing more than a week to working on it throughout the semester).
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