Jul 13, 2007 02:39
That report about the cardboard food in Beijing was unnerving. Thinking back though, I had no steamed buns while there.
All this talk of MIchael Chertoff's "gut feeling" about pending terrorist attacks has got me thinking about that Devo song "Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mamee" that expresses my sense of ire at the situation and proves that Devo was actually a very skilled guitar driven pop group in their pre-"Whip It" days. That and the old Roman habit of having priests take innocent critters up to the Capitoline, slicing them open, then looking at their entrails to try and predict the future. Not that I'm suggesting anything...
Earlier tonight I found out that George Carlin's "Seven Words You can't Say on Radio" (yup, you guessed it, it's the TV one but on the radio) appears in its entirety in a supreme court decision, FCC v. Pacifica. I was amused too.
I'm going to maybe try and sleep again.