so i just so happened to hear something on Fox News Live this morning b/c it was on in the other room. it mentioned something about a new type of "street gang" that had been identified in Reno. they prefaced the news clip w/ a description of what the gang was associated with, which happened to be the fact that they beat people up who dont 'follow their way of life.' being the curious person that i am, i flipped the channel on in my room and watched the report.
the so-called "street gang" is actually just Straight Edge kids. so, following a poor description of what sXe kids are all about, they showed an interview w/ a guy from the gang unit and then a short comment made by a punk-esque kid who i assume is sXe or knows a lot of people who happen to follow that way of life. the whole report made me laugh to myself. it just makes sXe kids, as a whole, seem like theyre these violent miscreants who roam the streets w/ their brass knuckles at the ready; searching for the next kid smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer, so they can beat the shit out of him and somehow have their philosophy stick w/ the kid, thus making him examine his life and the choices hes made. its so ridiculous. ive never met a sXe-er who has beaten the shit out of someone simply b/c he/she doesnt follow their "rules". sure, ive met about a trillion sXe-ers who would get all preachy and up on their high horse about stuff, but it never led to violence. hell, i even tried that whole way of life for a while. heh, i think it lasted about 24 hours, if that. but that was back when i used to smoke weed a lot, drink every so often, and smoke cigarettes nonstop. but, ive grown out of that stage. i hadnt smoked weed for 4 years or so up until this past New Year's, and i actually havent since. and i used to drink pretty heavily during my 2nd semester at Towson, but my alcohol comsumption has since tapered off, mostly due to the fact that i didnt have time b/c i always had my head in a book, trying to study or do projects or whatever else for these past 2 semesters. and cigarettes, they are of the past. by the time August rolls around i will be smoke-free for a solid year. and im damn proud of it. the only things that i have smoked that are close to cigarettes during this past year were some cloves, as provided by friends, and cigars. and i only do so when im drinking at parties and such. well, anyways, i think that whole news story was amusing.
heres a link to an article that is similar to the news report...enjoy. so as for the squished frog i saw last night, yeah, something made a sweet ass meal out of him. all thats left is a blood stain on the asphalt. its disturbing cuz i have a photographic memory, but only when it comes to the things i dont want to keep seeing over and over again.
Darcy is currently spazzing out b/c she sees the stupid maltese yappers that live nextdoor. evil little white dogs from hell i tell you!
i find it completely insane that i have *nothing* i have to do today. no appointments or obligations or anything. how refreshing. i think i may use some of my free time to work out the configuration of my bedroom for the apartment. i have the floor plan diagram thingy and i want to decide where to place things and see what else i need to get. i know that i will definitely need a full length standing mirror b/c im sick of the crappy hang-over the door kind. theyre never long enough to see your entire body. and thats just obnoxious. i found a gorgeous one from Pottery Barn but its about $200 and i really dont see myself stumbling upon that amount of money anytime soon. theyre have to be cheap ones somewhere. and i should look into getting a tv thats of a decent size cuz 13 inches aint gonna cut it. and using my PS2 as my dvd player is slightly on the ghetto side. but then that also means ill need an entertainment center or something. oh blah decisions decisions.
my sunburn totally needs to stop existing right now. i have a decent amount of color to me now. its a darker shade of pale lol. but you know its bad when your birthmark is a flaming red color...yeah my lower back and my ass are totally burned. no tanning bed for me today i guess.
i ramble a lot when im bored. but i think anyone who happens to read this will figure that out.