i am beyond bored this evening. i think i may watch some reruns of shows that ive Tivo-ed.
so my pretty dress that i ordered not too long ago from Newport News was supposed to get here by June 6th, but no. i got a letter from them saying that it wont be in until July or some bs. i really wanted to wear it on the cruise, but now i cant. so i had to settle for finding another one, but it was cheap and was good enough. and i got really fun 50's-esque shoes to wear w/ a couple outfits for our dinners and such. i never thought id say this but, im sick of shopping. i spend my days running in and out of malls and stores and looking through catalogs and ordering things online and returning/exchanging things. i am sick of it. its bad enough that i had all my own crap to return/exchange/order/try to find, but then my mom made me do it for her too. so blah, no more clothing. im sick of it!
i went into Wal-Mart today. it made me reaffirm my belief that that godforsaken store is actually a portal to hell. i hate hate hate setting foot inside any Wal-Mart. every obnoxious, loud, trashy, weird, and downright sickening person seems to go there. i think that Wal-Mart is a good representation of the word "scum" of society. hahahaha. not to mention the store itself is just so damn disorienting. i cant stand stores that arent well organized. it just messes w/ my head and makes me angry. not to mention that none of their registers ever work properly when i try to pay for things. either that or i get stuck w/ the most incompetent cashier on earth. blah just walking in that store makes me feel sick. i think ill stick to my cushy little Target store thats up the street.
i have stopped reading LJs for a bit, for a few reasons. but one of them is, i feel like everyones LJ is so sad. i feel bad about that. i wish it wasnt that way.
the $400 check that i wrote for the security deposit for the apartment in Topfield that Moose and i applied for, was cashed the other day. i guess that means that we officially have the apt! now i just hope i can manage to get Darcy in there w/o any fuss. my mom keeps saying that she is getting bigger everyday, but i dunno. i cant tell really. and i dont wanna think about it if she is. shes really pretty well-behaved now and ive worked w/ her a lot recently. and i cant imagine having to give her up. god, i would just die.
oh, speaking of animals, i found one outside the other day while i was taking Darcy out....and i took come pictures.
i named him Filbert, in honor of the very paranoid turtle from Rocko's Modern Life b/c i used to love him and that show.
reading old LJ entries is fun sometimes. though other times it just makes me angry. i cant believe that ive had this thing since 2001. its crazy.
i should go take Darce for a walk. its dark out. and that means it wont be a thousand mothereffing degrees outside. i think i will go do that soon. ciao ciao.