Week Four: Yggdrasil

Mar 26, 2012 10:47

Embla takes care of the household and reads up on new recipes. She's very happy with the new kitchen and how far her family has come when it comes to material standard. She's very proud of her home.

I am still baffled by this, but very happy. Ragnar and Njord Vanadis are very happy too.

Massive birthday-time!



And Birk and Ronja are now kids!

One night, a very special costumer came by.

She's new to Idavallen and Ask was quick to say hello. She intrigues him, but scares him too. She's so pale, white and... cold. (Sugar by fightocrime)

Ask and Embla are teaching the youngest twins all their skills, and Embla is so happy when they make progress.

In the nights, the two werewolfs of the household hang out. Embla is still not happy that Ragnar became a werewolf and she does have issues with how happy and proud he is about it, beause even after all these years she is still a bit uncomfortable with it.

All the teens of the household: Ronja, Ragnar and Birk
Ronja Yggdrasil
LTW: Become Hall of Famer
+ Fatness, Custom Hair
- Cologne

Birk Yggdrasil
Grilles Cheese
LTW: Eat 200 Grilled Cheese
+ Cologne, Swim Wear
- Cleaning

Yes, Birk too has inherited the werewolf-gene.

Before heading to school, the teens help out with the toddlers.

But no one really has the time to put the little ones back ito their room. Ah, well.

Well, putting the refrigerator outside might not have been the smartest idea. Especially not in rain.

With two teenage boys and one adult who are werewolves there's always a need for food.

Birk + Ronja = BFFs (?)

Ragnar is now an adult!

And finally the toddler years are over in this household...

because Astrid and Algot are now kids, and ready for school!

Ask had to calm Astrid and Algot after this horrible sight!

This family is always outdoors. Well, with 5 children it might just be for the best.

We finish this week with the cutest couple of this hood :)

lot:midgard, family:yggdrasil

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