Freja and Hel Vanadis live at the farm they have named
They live together with Freja's brother Frej.
Frej is friends with many in the neighbourhood, being a family sim he's quite nice and really cares about his neighbours. He and Brage gets along very well, and I imagine Frej really likes having some one who is also part alien to talk to.
Freja has a garden of her own, she makes sure the family has enough fresh vegetables.
Hel loves her music and hopes to one day be able to work with it.
Frej and Gerd are really close. They quickly became Best Friends and Gerd loves to just drop in and talk to Frej and see how he's doing.
Frej invited Gerd and Brage to dinner, seeing as they were both walking by one evening.
We were all a bit surprised when this happened! (Also, that green cloud of stink is because Freja just walked by with the dirty dishes, jsyk)
As a plantsim freja loves the outdoors, no matter the weather.
But seeing as she is now expecting a baby, she has to take care of herself. I actually cheated here and bought her a UV-lamp even though electricity hasn't been unlocked yet. I just can't have my dear plantsim die :(
It was actually Frej who opened up a home business were he, and the rest of the family, sells flowers and vegetables. But being cashier is difficult! Poor Hel.
Frej was very excited about a little niece or nephew.
And he didn't have to wait long!
I'm explaining the skin by saying that Hel's grandmother was a werewolf. Meet
Njord Vanadis!
Hel is a really good mum. Being a romance sim she doesn't really roll any wants for the baby, but at least she hasn't started rolling the "fear f changing diapers" yet.
Freja: Frej look!
Frej: I can't right now. I have to finish this bouquet.
Freja: I just love flowers. *spores of happiness*
I just imagine Freja living a bit in her own world all the time.
Since Freja never sleeps, she is usually taking the night shift with Njord.
And soon Njord is going to have a brother or sister!
Life goes on for the expanding family. Electricity and running water has definitely made life easier, but money is tight on most families in Idavallen, and paying taxes is difficult when hardly any income is made.
But little Njord isn't really worried. He's happily playing with his little box, while his uncle is painting and his mother's are outdoors tending the garden and selling vegetables.