- Whats your name?: Tiffany
- Are you out?:Yes
- How many years have you graced earth?: 26
- Where ya from?: WV
- Would you date long distance?: no
- Do you smoke? Do you mind smokers?: I smoke hookah, nothing else. I don't mind it.
- Do you drink? Do you mind drinkers?: I am, I don't mind as long as its not an all the time thing.
- Do you do drugs? What about girls that do? No, nothing hardcore i don't mind.
- How tall are you? 5"7
- What kinds of music do you like? Anything 90's, Rock and Alt.
- Do you consider yourself butch/femme/andy/labeless?: Stud.
- Tell me 4 things, you are looking for in a future partner: 4 words: Trust. Advantage. Loyalty. Humor
- Tell me 4 things you AREN'T looking for in a future partner: Cheater. Drunk. Lazy. Don't really have a 4th one.
- What is your current relationship status? Its complicated
- And of course the cheesy one, what would be a perfect date for you? Dinner. Walk. Something where we can get to know each other and talk.
- Only one left! How can you be reached? Here.
http://i58.tinypic.com/9izgud.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]