Listening to: the furnace blowing, but that's about it...
Hi everyone! I just found out, via an email from a friend, that Parliament will be called to vote on Bill C-517, for mandatory labeling of Genetically Engineered foods, this Wednesday (May 7) at 6:30 p.m. (EST).
"It is critical that we be able to count on a majority of MPs to vote in favour of Bill C-517.
Find your MP here: We have a reasonable chance of winning this vote, but we must get the word out now. Not only will mandatory labeling of GE foods provide you with the information you have a right to, it will also pave the way for a gradual withdrawal of GE foods from the food chain. This will also reduce the dissemination of GE seeds in the environment.
What YOU can do!
It is important that federal MPs vote in favour of Bill C-517 on the second reading. The stakes are high but this time, the bill has a very good chance of becoming law. You have the power to persuade our federal MPs to support this bill and to choose us instead of Monsanto!"
And, take into account the blitz still roaring about Bill C-484. If Dion had his act together and whipped his caucus to vote in favour of women's rights, the second reading would have failed and we wouldn't be facing the risk that we are now.
Bill C-517 must pass... our food security and future health depends on it!