Jul 04, 2008 16:35
Listening to: Nuthin'
I sent an email to info@gg.ca yesterday, but I've also left a message by phone thanking Her Excellency for her bravery in appointing Dr. Morgentaler to the Order of Canada... he is truly a hero.
I hope that everyone reading this will support the right of women to control their bodies and their futures and express their positive sentiments to the Governor General.
Reposted from an email
"I got the following message on Facebook just now. Although I think it's unlikely the GG or the Council will cave into all the anti-choice pressure, you never know, and it seems to me the most absolutely important thing we need to be doing right now is to give lots of support and thanks to the GG and Council, so they won't be tempted to waver. If you haven't yet called or emailed the GG, please do so today! (info@gg.ca, Tel 613-993-8200, toll-free 1-800-465-6890)
Thanks so much!"
X wrote:
Hi Y,
I just called the # you gave in your email. When I explained why I was calling, the woman who answered told me that my views were "certainly in the minority" of calls she had received of late. Then she told me that the Governor General would be very pleased to hear my thoughts and I was forwarded through to a voicemail system.
Like you, I encourage everyone to thank the Governor General, and I congratulate Dr. Henry Morgentaler on receiving The Order of Canada.