May 16, 2008 09:32
Listening to: The same...
The true enough need for an economic benefit to everything. Now, to motivate the reduction of consumption!
Reposted from euro|topics: newsletter 16/05/2008
I Kathimerini - Greece
The Greek daily comments on a surge in enthusiasm for recycling rubbish among Greek citizens. "It is true! People are queuing up at the recycling machines. ... For the most part they are very old people holding bottles and cans and waiting patiently to capitalise on their rubbish ... because although environmental altruism is good, it is more efficient when people can earn a euro by recycling their rubbish. This has also been the case with the recycling of metal. If you put an old fridge on the street it will disappear within half an hour. ... A small truck appears almost immediately and spirits away electrical goods and other things made of metal. People are motivated to collect things they no longer need and take them to be recycled." (15/05/2008)