You can stop this at any time, Mr. Bond. All you must do is tell me the code to activate the nuclear missile.
*The Fibonacci sequence, as employed in Tool's Lateralus.
Click to view
Particapatory Economics, or 'Parecon';
' is a proposed economic system that uses participatory decision making as an economic mechanism to guide the production, consumption and allocation of resources in a given society. Proposed as an alternative to contemporary capitalist market economies and also an alternative to centrally planned socialism or coordinatorism, it is described as "an anarchistic economic vision"'
G7 Welcoming Committee, a record label.)
*And while we're on that note, I am unable to fully load
The Anarchist Yellow Pages. As an inbred, fully suspicious asshole, I am curious; does anyone else using Internet Explorer have this problem?
*Alice Meadow Stallings, a full bred member of our Wired Culture,
goes offline once a week.
*Brian Michael Roff has made a million musics you have never heard of, and he is
examining (and offering it for download) those tracks one at a time.
*For some reason I can't embedd this, so have a
link; Justice's horrifyingly awesome video for their song, DVNO. Seriously,
click here, it is fucking great.
The Tome Of Beelzebub And Christ;
(Please read this essay in relation to DISCLAIMER)."
Swan Lake. Yes, the ballet. It's a long story.
*Clay Shirky's
Here Comes Everybody; The Power of Organizing Without Organizations.
*Chip Kidd presents: THE LEARNERS
Click to view
Steal This Wiki, an updated version of Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book, a practical guide for urban anarchism. Unfortunately, it is all about Americans. Fucking...Americans.
*Norman MacCaig's
"I look across the table and think
(fiery with love)
Ask me, go on, ask me
to do something impossible,
something freakishly useless,
something unimaginable and inimitable
Like making a finger break into blossom
or walking for half an hour in twenty minutes
or remembering tomorrow.
I will you to ask it.
But all you say is
Will you give me a cigarette?
And I smile and,
returning to the marvelous world
of possibility
I give you one
with a hand that trembles
with a human trembling."
SKIN: Tattoo;
"Tattoos and physical mutilation are amongst the oldest forms of personal expression and identity. Subcultures have used tattoos as a form of self representation; a visual language communicating personality and status. Philips Design examined the growing trend of extreme body adornment like tattoos, piercing, implants and scarring.
The Electronics Tattoo film expresses the visual power of sensitive technology applied to the human body. The film subtly leads the viewer through the simultaneous emotional and aesthetic transformations between two lovers."
Delirious Moscow; In Search Of Lost Vangaurds - Excavation and Space Exploration in Constructivist Architecture. Quite a bit more interesting than it sounds.
"A history of the Soviet avant-garde could be written through its aspirations to the interstellar. It would run through, after Shklovsky and Velimir Khlebnikov's 'Trumpet of the Martians' to Iakov Protozanov's 1924 film Aelita, Queen of Mars. This was one of the first Constructivist built environments, housing the Martian despotism that the earthlings bring to revolution. The set by Isaac Rabinovich is made up of angular, glassy polygons, with the painter and Constructivist architect (for a temporary pavilion erected in 1923) Alexandra Exter's costumes adding an inorganic sexuality to the proceedings."
The Ships Landed Long Ago: Afrofuturism and Black SF;
"From the 1950s onwards, sf in the US magazine and paperback tradition postulated and presumed a color-blind future, generally depicting humankind “as one race, which has emerged from an unhappy past of racial misunderstandings and conflicts” (James 47; see also Kilgore). This shared assumption accounts for the relative absence of people of color from such sf: if race was going to prove unimportant, why even bother thinking about it, when energies could instead be devoted to more pressing matters, such as how to colonize the solar system or build a better robot? And so questions of race remained as marginalized as black characters-at best, it seemed, Chewbacca’s Jim to Han’s Huck. A year after Star Wars, DC Comics put Superman in the ring with Muhammad Ali and then concocted a convoluted narrative that culminated in the speedy declaration of Ali’s victory by a technical knockout as, stripped of his superpowers, the well-whupped Man of Steel refused to hit the canvas (until a split second after the referee announced the result)."
*Coilhouse presents
The beautiful nightmares of Zdzislaw Beksinski;
This will have to do for now.