Oct 08, 2007 00:29
Tired, v. tired, not in the metaphorical but in the physical sense, as if i'd been up for a dozen hours too long or had experienced a day of unusual exercise. Which i have not, but who am I to argue with such a delightful emotion? My eyelids are heavy, i have put on glasses to hold them up until this cup of coffee is done. I think i'm going to start being less aware of capital i's when speaking of myself, because i think the lowercase I is more honest in some sense i can't really put even to pre-words.
pre-words are the general emotional flux of something which you can understand but have not yet tamed enough to communicate, so you're left spouting random words with emotional content similiar and hoping they will stick. All of my book (currently sitting alone but cherished, not seen a loving hand since before the summer began and now the summer ends), all of my book is pre-words.
I think i like it when people are tired. The rings around the eyes, the slow steadiness or sudden speed of it, the strange uncaring honesty, they are mask less. They are weak. it is a compliment to see someone tired, much as it is one to see them drunk, high, in tears or laughter. i've been getting so many compliments lately.
i've finished writing A Holocaust Story. i haven't written anything at all today. I hate that, but it's okay. there's no need to beat myself up. i was busy. my body wouldn't be so tired if i hadn't done a lot of work. it doesn't matter that i didn't notice. Here is a poem I wrote last week called Journey. I forget why trains were on my mind. As for hats? Hats are always on my mind.
Trains settle on the tracks;
halt softly wheels all shrieking.
Trains go by like waves,
fly past like butterflies,
shower down like summer rains.
this is what trains
are like.
Journeys begin and journeys end and excuse me sir
What do you have to prove
Where the hell are you going anyway no don't flee let me
Ask these questions:
Is it important?
Is your wife now waiting in her colder room
Is enlightenment on a mountain
Is it sitting in a lotus position
Cold until you come?
have you prepared that hat specifically
or is it there just in case, suddenly,
it begins to rain?