Опять Обамакер, их кривой сайт и...новый управляющий

Jan 12, 2014 18:30

 On Friday it was reported Accenture, a global consulting firm, obtained the $45-million contract to run the Obamacare health insurance website. The company is taking over from CGI Federal, one of two contractors that originally built the problematic HealthCare.gov portal, with CGI’s contract set to expire on Feb. 28.

Unmentioned in the scores of news articles covering the successful Accenture bid is that Obama is the top all-time recipient of the firm’s many financial contributions, with the president taking in a total of $286,168 from Accenture employees, family members and its political action committee.

Кривой сайт Обамакера переходит от CGI Federal (который создал этот кривой сайт)  под управление Accenture.
Контракт на 45 лимонов зелени.
А вот тут данные, что эта компания является крупным донором для Обамы - $286,168 долярей от работников, их родственников и пр.

Неплохое вложение бабла эти политические контрибуции, нет?
Они ведь вкладывали в разных кандидатов.
No. 2 for Accenture’s donations is former Republican New Jersey State Sen. Bob Martin, and No. 3 is former President George W. Bush at $164,250. Mitt Romney received $73,085 from Accenture. Hillary Clinton raked in $50,515 in contributions from the firm, with John Kerry accepting $45,853.

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