Last Promise (So Yi Jeong/Chu Ga Eul)

Mar 27, 2009 23:04

Ah! I've finally decided to post something here.
This is a one-shot I wrote a few weeks ago. I posted it over at
I decided to post it here because it seem as if I've been being unfair.
I enjoy reading wonderful fics on lj that I've not been returning the favour.
So here's to my lovely friends on lj and all YukiSoujiro/ YiJeongGaEul die hard fans.

Title : Last Promise
Pairings : So Yi Jeong/ Chu Ga Eul (Soujiro/Yuki)

After reading this painful one-shot, head over to watch this beautiful and sad MV
made by my friend, Lily@soompi on behalf to this fic.

Last Promise

She told him that he believed in it. Eternal partner, soulmate - that one person for you. She told him he believed in it. He had
regarded her coldly then, 'Don't act like you know me,' he said and it vexed him to see her smile.
'This is the first time I see you act like a normal person. This somewhat vulnerability. I'm glad I came,'

She told him that he believed in it but it was not years later - that she actually proved it to him.
It was years later - when she went away - that he believed her.

* * *

Right there in the park where he brought her once to ask her to bring Jandi to Joonpyo's party, he remembered how painful it was.
'Promise me,' she said. 'that when we see each other again, we will forget this hurtful meeting, these..complicated history.
Let's become Ga Eul-yang and Yi Jeong sunbae. I wouldn't say friends because I am not of that league but an associate. A comfortable, familiar companion.'
A friend of a friend.

When he didn't answer her but hung his head low, she knelt down before him sitting on the swings and cupped his face with her hands.
Softly, tentatively. She tilted his head upwards to meet her eyes and softly, almost a whisper, 'Promise me,'

He remembered looking at her eyes - how sad they were. Like a girl, a woman in love. Bearing such painful burden and yet, such strong determination.
There they were. Him, the pottery prodigy, one of Korea's richest heir and she, the commoner working at a small porridge shop.
Him, with his rumpled but undeniable custom made Armani suit and she with her red coat - worn off and old - that matches her red headband, always.
He ooze confident and authoritative aura despite his chaotic emotions and she, always so weak and small by appearance was different in
her personality.
She is broken. Broken but very much hard solid.

And yet, despite these world of differences, they are merely a boy and a girl.
A girl changed because of the boy infront of her.
A boy who learned more because of her.
A girl in love..
A boy...

Yi Jeong looked at her then. Saw the glistening tear falling from her eye. It breaks his heart to know that he hurt her as such. And he wanted it to stop. But he knew there is no way, it could.
But perhaps, if he had try and stop it. If he had try to love her, perhaps....

She is letting him go because she realised that his happiness is what she wanted. Her love for him is that much, that strong as to let him go.
It was a painful, painful, painful revelation to realised that his happiness lies not with her but with the other girl. But Ga Eul is that kind of girl.
One that would let someone go because to her, making that one person whom she love the most to be happy, is the kind of sacrifice she is willing to make.

It took him a while because agreeing to her would mean that he is granting her wish to let him be. Let him free. He wanted to love, to be happy but such love, such happiness, lies not with her. But she was so meaningful to him. So very precious that granting her what she wanted will only cost her pain. What she wanted isn't for herself but for him.
And what he wanted isn't for himself but for her.

It took him a while because remembering all the things that had led them to being as they were, made it hard. The fights they had, the glances, the pretense and later, the helping of finding his one true love, his first love - because of her. They matured together. They fell and rise together. She taught him to face his darkest fear and to believe and he taught her to be strong.
He was so thankful for her.

It took him a while but when he saw her pleading eyes and felt her trembling hands cupping his face, he raised his own and wipe away the single tear. It pains him to see her hurt. Pains him even more that he is the cause. Pains him deeper because he cannot return her affection.

They are two broken beings.
For two similiar reason.
Both are crying for her. Both are hurting for her.

Because she changed his life and he changed hers and despite it all, they are nothing to each other.
Agreeing would mean losing her. And though she is not a lover, she is more than anything else.
Agreeing would mean having love with her blessing.
Agreeing would mean causing her pain.
But agreeing would also mean to let her go of him and though it will be a long, long process,
it would also mean, him letting her go and live her life.

Agreeing would mean, the end.
And though So Yi Jeong did not know whether he would be able to cope without her, he knew that
this last wish, this last promise would be the last thing she would ask from him.
Would be the only thing, she would ask from him.

And so, even though they are too broken people, two lives broken,
he takes her hand into his, kiss her forehead and pull her close and when her sobbing grew louder anticipating the answer
that they knew he would give - when tears flow from their eyes and heart constrict harder,
Yi Jeong pulled Ga Eul close and both close their eyes the same time Yi Jeong whispered as if a sigh...

'I promised.'

A silent goodbye. A heartbreaking understanding.
A last promise.


fic yijeong/gaeul yuki/soujiro

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