My friend
rsadelle has written a thoughtful critique of X-men--including commentary on the fail regarding race and gender in the flick--and some appreciation for the slash--and a really good point about how that relationship would have been more powerful and nuanced with increased attention to Charles as a character. She's been a fan of X-men, particularly the female characters, from her teen years when she read the comic books. So it's interesting to read her take on it.
But, I have to say, I LOVED it anyways. Most satisfying love story between two men I've seen in several years. Nothing subtle about it. Erik/Charles--I just wanted MOAR! (Which of course fandom provides--check out recommendations from
cathalin )
Anyhow, since I wasn't able to do anything more then go--oh lust--and-- awwww how sweet---and generally have porny angst-filled thoughts about all the potential Erik/Charles around telepathy and powers that can heal or hurt and just YUM--throughout the movie, I send you to this link for some really interesting food for thought::