(no subject)

Jan 11, 2015 01:52

-Will not fall in.
-To really feel. To reveal.
-The world is good.
-I don't find many I really want to keep in reach.
-Find and explore ideas.
-"we're left with a desperate need for scrutiny instead of reaction"
-Can do aptitude.
-Mechanical acting out.
-Tall, not wide.
-I just think you're interesting. Don't you?
-Scariest thing imaginable.
-Ask me a question on your own
-"Be honest, even when your honesty conflicts with the point you are trying to make."
-Profound beauts.
-"You're a distant echo of your former self with a false sense of importance derived from an incorrect belief in an unbroken stream of consciousness!"
-Now, then never.
-Borrowing your strength
-Attention discernment.
-Making 100.
-Subversive commons.
-I only see.
-"It helps Poirot achieve a healthy distance from his own genius."
-You don't have to justify the past, just the present.
-"up from a past rooted in pain, I rise"
-Silent collaboration.
-Avoidance or aggression
-You won't offend me and even if you managed to that is okay.
-"I called to see how YOU are. I didn't call to talk about me and my day."
-Sick of stop gaps.
-You can't ask and say just curious and then not want to know.
-"we make peace with the loneliness by acknowledging the absurdity of it"
-Your senses have limits.
-"Scholarship that is indifferent to human suffering is immoral." ~Richard Levins
-Buttons, zippers and pockets.
-Present but distant
-"I would have no problem being fictional."
-Does the functionality of clothing lead to the tendency of nudity taboos?
-A lack of proficiency, not enthusiasm.
-You turn an ounce of criticism into a pound while dishing out tons.
-Fools proud of pessimism.
-"You can use your idealism to further your aims, if you realize that nothing is Nirvana, nothing is perfect."
-Strings cables.
-Approaching the center
-"It has been an education"
-Proud of us
-You don't have to explain yourself.
-Intellectual expectations.
-"Mechanized death"
-"Butt dial and booty call have very similar connotations but very different meanings"
-It is worth defending those who are easiest to attack.
-Hopes not demands
-I ain't your doom.
-What if each way is cowardly? Does action become bravery?
-"Life perpetuates through diversity"
-Make those changes.
-Don't jump only because it is expected.
-Hoping to rise ire.
-"I was lost in the land where dragons lie and no one could rescue me."
-There is no greatest.
-Make our own rules but live by our judgments.
-Avoiding me.
-I really want to hear your argument.
-Brutal by nature becomes brutal by design.
-Challenging you. Observant.
-You have to try harder if you want to do more than preach to the choir.
-Girls love specificity
-"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
-"We are God in drag"
-Can see time all at once from a certain perspective
-All about your face in closeup
-"strike up a conversation with a stranger who you see on a regular basis."
-Easy going but incredibly sensitive.
-The signifying glass.
-"Bread is life. But butter is better."
-Damn sweet sorrow.
-"If things were any other way, things would be different"
-Occasional guards.
-Exceed survival.
-Go to the monastery.
-"Batman Begins to Realise That There May Be a Better Way of Treating the Mentally Ill & Impoverished Than Punching Them"
-Intensely proud, jealous and awed.
-I have every idea.
-Representing the future and the past at once.
-It is fun to learn something or prove someone wrong.
-"There are people creating things just outside your window."
-Intuition is dangerous as it is so often proven correct.
-Cut off from all.
-Is doubt my burden?
-"That which yields is not always weak."
-I admire you more than I pity you.
-Info collector.
-"after such eloquence, to refuse your request would seem ungenerous"
-Do you understand?
-Not consistent enough for ritual.
-I hate your sigh.
-"'You know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart?' 'They're both ridiculous.'"
-Congratulations on finishing that stupid thing.
-"...man is as much a parasite on the cow as the tapeworm is on man: We have sucked their udders like leeches."
-Evocative imagery.
-"Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may."
-Dinner with six ladies.
-Proving vs learning.
-I am the trophy.
-All for blue stockings.
-"She is so driven to explore her environment and to express herself, to communicate with, please, and sometimes resist the people around her. She doesn’t just walk-she walks toward something. She doesn’t just speak-she speaks to someone."
-Bed wine.
-Rather elaborate.
-"Believe change is possible."
-Unless a secondary effect creates a balance.
-Renew the repeats.
-Cyrano display
-"Better sexy and racy than sexist and racist."
-Count the ways.
-"If you want to be a knight, act like a knight."
-Embrace and chop.
-I am glad headbutts do not involve the butt.
-Is she a sign?
-Tap dancing astronauts.
-"there are people who actually believe there's a perfect product out there."
-Not stopped
-Not going to become more appropriate.
-The reveal.
-"I don’t need them to change, but to understand."
-Organized chaos.
-It is a weight but also a source of strength.
-Talk about absolutely everything.
-"Do you think it's too late for me?"
-Traveling to origin.
-One silvery woman.
-Brave and stupid. Congratulations.
-"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
-Yes, but not for you.
-"It's not sexist to talk about sexism."
-A new time
-Don't act civil.
-"I'll get around to it."
-Nerves breakdown.
-Part of me.
-"Suppose you had a complete atom-by-atom history of every giraffe that ever lived, and every giraffe ancestor that ever lived. You wouldn’t have an answer to the question of why they have long necks."
-Calling cards.
-Civilization breeds entitlement
-Articulated whims.
-"Biology Is Not Destiny"
-You don't need to keep it together forever, just til you die.
-Can't let go of the connection.
-"Competition is the death of art."
-Took the risk.
-Just browsing.
-"profound professor"
-Can learn from you.
-What is a place to shield from the dark?
-Manufactured hunger.
-"I don’t care about wealth. What seems to be upsetting is institutionalizing the advantages that wealth gives you."
-The terribly right thing to do.
-"Admire me, admire my home
Admire my son, he's my clone"
-Doesn't let me close.
-One of those things that is sometimes a sin.
-"People who don't want to hear that there is anyone more oppressed than them"
-"Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible." ~Richard P. Feynman
-See what they are by looking through them.
-"by means of a comical witticism"
-Reckless recluse reckoning.
-Options that others have not had. A waste to waste them so I'll try to wander with aim.
-Missed a whole side.
-Still exist out there.
-Easiest to metric is not how we should measure things.
-Bummed but not out.
-"never treat someone like they entirely deserve where they are."
-Though it is just a concept, it can still be delicate.
-Feeling grief or relief?
-"Being a big, impossibly-muscled hulk is a male power fantasy. It has jack to do with what a female such as myself finds attractive."
-Violence against the non violent is unacceptable. And telling.
-Your emotion does not trump all other emotion.
-"riot is the language of the unheard"
-You can see it in this, that and them.
-"The big question is, of course, what do we do about it?"
-I want everything and nothing all at once.
-Sparse in setting, like a play.
-"Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself."
-The wrong kind of patience.
-Why would I tell you the truth?
-I have no desire to go on any wacky amusement rides ever again. Though I do want to muster the courage to jump out of a plane.
-"But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather"
-"Women generally don't get to think of men as less than human, not because we're inherently better people, not because our magical feminine energy makes us more empathetic, but because patriarchy doesn't let us."
-Some for my homies.
-Rather scare you now than later.
-Was treading water, now out of the pool.
-"Everything is hard"
-Your business model is not law.
-I'll dance for you.
-"The name is Gaylord Silly, not Silly Gaylord, you silly gaylord."
-Was holding back.
-"Two-thirds of adult cancers, say the researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in the United States, are caused by random mutation in the tissue cells during the ordinary process of stem cell division. In the other third, our genetic inheritance and lifestyles are the main factors."
-Actual consequence.
-"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."
-We put up so many walls and hurdles then wonder why people do not seek.
-Better interface.
-A piece of art that is fake can still be relevant if it is of something real.
-"They say whoever smelt it dealt it so technically this weed is yours officer"
-Absurdist civil right beat poetry.
-Not about gender.
-The desire for order can elevate violence.
-"*Fucking autocucumbers"
-On your own.
-Record the record.
-We are varied due to the need for mutations.
-"This man is living his best life, and the rest of us are shadows on the wall."
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