(no subject)

Jun 21, 2014 18:49

-Security does not exist. The social contract protects us more than anything else. The best we can hope for is accountability.
-I'm afraid of a world where we fear the youth more than the old.
-The conundrum of being a loner and a people person, who loves to converse.
-I am impressed by someone who understands themselves enough to know what they want and to actually take steps toward it, especially if it takes extra determination because it is considered to be unconventional.
-"You can’t bullshit a baby. Who would even do that?"
-Because I cannot hear you and people overlook you.
-Knows just what to say.
-Sometimes when you break a rule you are in a situation where all you can do is break another.
-Chasing opportunities instead of their vision.
-Literally a proverb.
-"Yes, I'm alone but I'm alone and free"
-A bad thought.
-Free money, yay! Now I feel guilty.
-"For one, women know this. They already know not every man is a rapist, or a murderer, or violent. They don’t need you to tell them."
-Conflating purpose and meaning.
-"Now they say that the wheel is the greatest invention ever. But I think it is probably the second wheel."
-Relocate away what is wasted.
-"We need to wake up to the fact that we don't have just lousy leaders, we have a flawed institutional design. And that's a different debate than the one we are having in Washington today. We actually need to talk about what it takes to make government manageable." ~Philip K Howard
-The idea that could be a concept.
-Does unrestrained sex sometimes involve restraints?
-I worry about plutarchy way more than a welfare state.
-Not new greed, but the same sort. It just appears more villainous from time to time.
-"They're always off the scale. We just have to install bigger scales."
-In taste and flavor.
-When does this become creepy?
-"...a democracy run by dead people."
-Your actions are not in a vacuum.
-The topics that make you uncomfortable are maybe the ones you should spend time thinking about.
-We are not inherently good. We have to continue to behave and not canonize the past.
-"The problem with escapism is that when you read or write a book society is in the chair with you. You can’t escape your history or your culture. So the idea that because fantasy books aren't about the real world they therefore 'escape' is ridiculous. Fantasy is still written and read through the filters of social reality."
-Circular thinking.
-I'll do my best with advice but I have not done what you are doing.
-"Happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath."
-So unreal.
-I want it but I will not push it as I'd rather be considerate.
-"Research shows we don’t really fall in love with a person - we fall in love with how we feel when we’re with them."
-A safe environment to inquisite.
-Back then, was I driving you away or just not thinking at all?
-Gotta wait patiently for the hail.
-Ha penis.
-"ass gravy"
-A pretty bummer.
-"We have to be very cautious to not overly endow things that look technological and mathematical as objective,"
-Hate is well respected.
-Nuance matters.
-Thanks for the rides.
-Whistle with your O'face.
-"What I ask for the negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice." ~Frederick Douglass
-Bring offerings for a nest.
-All shy under the right circumstances.
-Solitary refinement.
-Patterns are hard to resist.
-"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" ~Steven Wright
-Hot sweetened leaf water burning sensitive finger tips.
-Loot every corpse.
-"All of man's troubles come from his inability to sit quietly in a room by himself."
-Lost in this fantastic well.
-Glad that it seems to be meant to be for us to be penless pals.
-Let patterns emerge.
-"Love is a friendship set to music."
-An excitement of which my brain will not stop fixating.
-A vision of a grin.
-Properties vs essence.
-Same words, new meaning.
-"The person you want with you when you're dying isn't always the person you want with you when you're living."
-Read or die.
-'Do it yourself.'
-Would trade these for that but not this.
-"I have laboured carefully, not to mock, lament, or execrate, but to understand human actions ; and, to this end, I have looked upon passions, such as love, hatred, anger, envy, ambition, pity, and the other perturbations of the mind, not in the light of vices of human nature, but as properties..." ~Baruch Spinoza
-Candid and cryptic.
-Not open enough?
-A fair wiggle.
-"Becker acknowledged that eradicating crime is basically impossible because it would take so much grief and money that an entirely crime-free society would be worse off than one that simply tried to minimize it."
-Not to be unanswered for sake of appeal.
-Fulfillment is not exactly the same as happiness.
-"...tradition is a formidable foe"
-Luckily some things don't break easily.
-They shove because they hate being pushed.
-Lettered people.
-"...the false humility of youth that is itself a sort of pride."
-Kin layer.
-Such subtleties remove all regret.
-An observer would notice.
-"All things truly wicked start from an innocence."
-Have not before seen her show such humility.
-If I need it how can I go without it?
-"When in Rome you do as the Romans do doesn't even make any sense, because Rome was an empire. You didn't go to Rome, Rome came to you."
-Knowledge still requires application.
-Willing to take that chance?
-Weak points make it hard to stress the strong.
-The worse the crime the worse we want a criminal.
-"Being a man isn't anger, it's not yelling, it's not violence, it's not fighting, it's not impatience, it's not acting before thinking. Being a man is making right decisions, it's doing the right thing, it's treating people well despite how they treat you, it's fully assessing a situation, it's understanding through perception, it's remaining calm, and it's doing all these things in the face of adversity. I'm not perfect; I make mistakes. But I do my best to be a good man..."
-Bored by their manner.
-You are not a burden. You are loved.
-Awfully dismissive.
-There is not a way that I know of.
-"Lord of the undone flies"
-A journey that must be.
-"No progressive dreamer, we aren't there yet."
-At the crescendo.
-Quick sharp words.
-Mistaking form with thought.
-Desist interest?
-"He was here."
-The narrative is incorrect.
-More grand paths.
-Fits better.
-"...focused only on the suffering and despair that are depicted ...thereby missing the possibility of transcendence and healing."
-Crushed from the side.
-Slutty prude.
-Well yeah, if those are the two options.
-"This is one of the rare times when the accuracy of the advice isn't important, because if it's unable to be understood by the recipient, it's worthless."
-Unforgiving dream.
-Lost within the longing.
-Doing my best to not care about prompt perceptions.
-"To be anymore than all I am would be a lie."
-And yet..
-Almost everything you say endears me to you.
-In word and manner.
-Less of that.
-Wolf Man angst.
-"It's almost a confusing amount of freedom."
-Haul a generator if you want to belch smoke and noise.
-My intentions are cloudy but my opinion is not.
-Honeyed complement.
-"float like a soap bubble"
-I am going to change my guess from optical to mechanical because you are not transparent but rigid. *fifty consecutive highfives*
-Trying to listen but without intruding.
-I do not know if it is time for us to disappear.
-No glory left for those who die.
-"You are the Internal Revenue Service. You can reach into the lives of hard-working taxpayers and with a phone call, an email, or a letter you can turn their lives upside-down. You ask taxpayers to hang on to seven years of their personal tax information in case they are ever audited, and you can’t keep six months’ worth of employee emails?"
-How do you cut into a pineapple without eating all of it immediately?
-Sophisticated cat box technology.
-Plant plants.
-Transit ions.
-Jealous of things I don't even want. Wouldn't take if offered.
-Being the absolute best is rarely worth it.
-The business end.
-"With our thoughts we make our world."
-It's good to like things and stuff.
-Manifestation not personification.
-"mon vagina"
-Lack the expression.
-Good explanations do not always justify.
-A maker of piles.
-Sporadic flow.
-"If you want, you can."
-I underestimate the checkerboard effect.
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