(no subject)

Mar 09, 2014 19:42

-"Mature, direct and firm."
-How do we do what you dream of?
-I are crazy person.
-Kindred stranger.
-What do you need from me?
-"Grab the wolf by the ears."
-"Well obviously all problems should be solved just one at a time beginning with the most difficult."
-Searching for the obvious.
-Clearly for me.
-Are you disappointed or bored? We should continue if only disappointed.
-"The problem is that paper just isn't all that trustworthy. You can write basically anything on it."
-Don't agree with what I says.
-Unless you want people to guess at your internal monologue you need to make some of it external.
-'Heroism is not perfection'
-"How many languages even have a word for 'killed every 10th person?'"
-The trick is volume.
-'We should only remake bad movies, ones that had wasted potential.'
-Keep the refrain sane.
-"Make them forget I am pretending."
-I don't want a, I want the.
-Praying for a snow day. God knows I only bother him for the big stuff.
-You can be anything you want, just not everything.
-You owe me no answers.
-Con do.
-This delicious jumbo soft pretzel reminds me of pops.
-"...meritocracy promotes individuals based on their ability to perform their prior assignment, not their current or future ones."
-Opportunist vs exploiter.
-I would not, I did not, I could not.
-If you convince yourself that you can only win small victories it will make you correct. And wise. And scary.
-Forge the river and river the Ford. River the Forge the King.
-Lift your foot then your hip, roll it side to side.
-"You know who else called their enemies Nazis? The Jews." ~Colbert
-Shouldered bags.
-An angry fun joke.
-Won't leave your snide.
-Morose and meaningless.
-"This is not the truth but it is something."
-Messy, perhaps gross. Too bad.
-Helpful notion.
-"Stop telling girls they can be anything they want when they grow up. I think it's a mistake. Not because they can't, but because it never would have occurred to them that they couldn't." ~Sarah Silverman
-If I say "as dumb as Jesus" that should only be offensive if you think that Jesus is dumb and you do not like for people to mention it.
-"Every first novel is the author either as Jesus or as Faust."
-It would be nice if we rewarded positive traits. The reward might make them less noble but at least success would mean something positive.
-Folded reasons.
-Caring what other people think can be useful.
-Make a character.
-I do not want it if I cannot be myself.
-Rationalizing superiority will always be tempting.
-Rain rain go outside. Of my apartment.
-Micro cuts.
-The deep sky.
-"Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary"
-Too easily shaken.
-The falsely remembered used to deal with the unknown.
-Interesting find.
-Slippery hope.
-Try to remember that rules you just made up are rules you just made up.
-"...there is a serious gap between how people think our economic system works and how it actually works."
-Lost his cool.
-Laid out.
-"As is."
-Falling from the sky, grasping at other imperiled hands.
-Never seen such a sharp angel.
-No meek to inherit, no brave to be free.
-A pile of piles.
-We can argue all day about whether a fetus is a person, or rather if it deserves rights. I do not think we can reach any real decision on this. But I know a women is a person so she deserves rights over her body.
-"It does not deny the existence of dyscatastrophe, of sorrow and failure: the possibility of these is necessary to the joy of deliverance; it denies (in the face of much evidence, if you will) universal final defeat and in so far is evangelium, giving a fleeting glimpse of Joy, Joy beyond the walls of the world, poignant as grief."
-My tea frog is squealing.
-"A person whose happiness you put above your own."
-Fame vs Glory.
-Earn moi.
-"They're judgmental."
-Gonna fall off.
-Hazey malaisey.
-Mostly a smart ass.
-I may agree with the notion but not how you got there.
-"I ain't going nowhere 'til I'm an astronaut."
-Multicore mind.
-Pondering Poe's law.
-"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every 'superstar,' every 'supreme leader,' every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam." ~Carl Sagan
-Most of it is just paying attention.
-Patience can be cowardice or the bravest thing you can possess.
-Puttin' on Ritzy airs.
-Racist or sexist thoughts are not good but in themselves do not make you a bad person. Acting upon them is the real danger, and not just because of the immediate impact. But the youth emulates our behavior so those old fashion instincts will only go away if we act with our ideals.
-The vibrations travel along the pipe.
-Unique truths with a particular slant.
-Everything is inspiration.
-Specification without representation
-Super Smashed.
-Risky Raccoons.
-"On a scale from one to ten you are a tenor."
-Mi lady malady.
-Idiot's Guide to Self Sabotage.
-Ruled out.
-Overhanded deception.
-He is not just like you because he has you.
-Do not brag about how you are going to cut people out of your life.
-I do not know if executions make sense. But if we do them I think they should be brutal, not for the person being killed, but for the rest of us.
-Let me do you this kindness.
-Abstract but obscure.
-"About 2% of the sun's energy that reaches our planet is eventually converted into wind energy."
-Obviously confusing.
-Eating chicken wings and driving the bus at 8 AM.
-Makes you feel human.
-Even sums.
-You make me nervous.
-Were they examples to me?
-I will not forget that you can't forgive.
-Don't follow rules just because they exist.
-Trying to be diplomatic and failing.
-I did not think it was funny.
-Rings a bell.
-It does not have to make sense.
-"Cosmic relief"
-Piles of cash can make aweful things.
-If you have perfect clarity I understand but implore otherwise.
-Very do re mi.
-"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty, a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as in poetry." ~Betrand Russell
-The secret is filleting.
-Truth not appeasement.
-Yeah, it's cheesy. But cheese exists and is delicious.
-I love that I am becoming one of the few people who would benefit from a quantum computer.
-Do I want someone who understands me or someone who loves me? Cause I do not think I'm getting both.
-That's where you're wrong.
-Praying for a panacea.
-Nothing but cured meat.
-Know it is rare.
-No end needed.
-Social butterfly collection.
-"Rob O' Cop, the story of an Irish policeman."
-Aim your guns at the fool down the street cause he ain't with you.
-How to know if you are a monster.
-That sizzle will become associated with good things.
-We may be destroying the world but I think we have done pretty well for ourselves.
-Care about their details.
-"Solid wastes are only raw materials we're too stupid to use." ~Arthur C Clarke
-Liqueify me.
-Attempt ideals.
-I owe you more.
-Upturn upstart.
-No need to advertise.
-Not just rewards.
-There are no robot ethics so we need to have them.
-Technological reliance is just trust in the past.
-Herbalist in every way.
-You are right, sometimes you need to offer help.
-Desperation finds you in your home.
-"To weave our dreams upon and listen to a song" "You swear you've heard it before As it slowly rambles on"
-Declare discomfort.
-Desperate need.
-Runned away.
-You found your part, no counter.
-She has tits on her ass.
-Selective empathy.
-Don't like you liking new things, like a lamo.
-"I have told my sons that they are not under any circumstances to take part in massacres, and that the news of massacres of enemies is not to fill them with satisfaction or glee. I have also told them not to work for companies which make massacre machinery, and to express contempt for people who think we need machinery like that."
-If someone changes how they communicate based upon what they expect of your perceptions, you have to be careful in translating their intent.
-Moi homies.
-"Purely me."
-Keep on.
-I did the right thing, right there.
-If you can't be popular you should not always respond by doubling down.
-Can't just let them have it, can you?
-Won't right me off.
-Divine vision or just vision within parameters?
-There is only perspective does not mean there is perspective only.
-It is really up to you whether I am being friendly or not.
-If security cannot catch up to technology then privacy must be incrementally limited.
-Always pushed against each other.
-Don't go and burn the broken bridge.
-Get out.
-"more than a candle"
-The zipperer.
-The fault of salt.
-Missed faux bliss.
-"'She's a meter across the hips, easily.' 'That is her style of beauty.'"
-Optimism for the future losing momentum due to current methodology.
-Lusty barrier maiden.
-No need to gild your gold.
-Stand out strange.
-None to the left.
-Gave up on silence.
-Placement and timing.
-The long fault.
-"Step boldly into the unknown."
-All for some.
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