(no subject)

Dec 16, 2013 18:24

-Take your dern time.
-If you do it all at nite at least it gets done.
-First order estimates are easy but at best reduce answer space.
-We need to promote a peaceful culture or we will disappear before we reach the stars. Technology will make our aggressive tendencies nihilism in action.
-It should not all be choirs or mobs.
-"Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system." ~Bruce Lee
-The internet is ridiculous.
-Maybe we are not supposed to like the future, the ways that technology and biology change us.
-Stayed up late and woke up early.
-Open minded cynic.
-Well, that certainly happened.
-"Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail." ~Bruce Lee
-"They even have a pill now that let's men make love with each other"
-Civil not servile.
-Act like family dernit. Though I guess the nonsense is not out of place.
-"When you never have enough money it ceases to have meaning. I imagine having a lot of it is the same thing."
-If ya cared.
-Even a no is a weight removed.
-"That as journalists, we are the gatekeepers of truth! We separate right from wrong, fact from fiction, delicates from permanent press! I recall a man who said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' That man was Spider-Man's uncle. And now... he's dead! The public needs us to be the watchdogs of democracy. We have a responsibility to criticize our leaders without reproach, report national secrets without fear of imprisonment."
-If you blame her I will blame you.
-I am just hiding.
-Thou's Thousands.
-Embracing the caveman.
-I don't like to hear it, but I'd rather than not.
-"I'm as old as I'm gonna get."
-Saving them from the comfort of my chair.
-You rarely hear of an upward spiral.
-Always tell the truth if you can't think of a clever enough lie.
-"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." ~Albert Einstein
-That is probably the right word for it.
-"Inc. God We Trust"
-All body language.
-I'd love to discuss what you want to never think of again.
-"Tragic characters have to die tragically. And that's how you keep them in your heart forever."
-Book Title: The Dangers of Consciousness
-Hall carrots.
-"It insults the dead when you treat life carelessly."
-The one true blah blah blah.
-Barrier maiden.
-With something terrible is it worse for you to have lived without it first or for you to have never lived without it?
-Clawing at the back of the mind. Softly.
-"Thoughts are things."
-No way a brand new day.
-Shift of environs.
-"Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there." ~Bruce Lee
-Do not think at it directly. Go from the sides.
-We have a morbid response when squeezed just so.
-Dynamic caricature.
-These lyrics won't take to heart.
-Never gonna know where you gonna get to.
-'Flowers are sex made evident'.
-Long shorts.
-A beast.
-"The difference between genius and insanity is measured only by success."
-Except yourself.
-"green great dragon"
-Where shall I?
-Right in the vicinity. It would have been suggestive vandalism.
-It starts with paramount.
-How you fill the page.
-Damn Gerry Mander!
-"We are gonna cut his legs off and we are gonna cut his head off. Then we are gonna put the head on the legs." ~Conan
-White trash with good writers.
-"Sex poison. That's what I call children."
-We often falsely assume our path is the only way to where we are.
-Proven not a friend nor a lover.
-I can't blame you but I do.
-Remembers it all.
-Your world view is yours alone.
-Rare air.
-Easier when I care. But devastating when something lands on my foot.
-"Of course, I'm not a barbarian."
-Hard and fun.
-"We must share the fruits of productivity, not limit our productivity deliberately."
-Overwhelm with reasonableness.
-The way in is to project out.
-He ain't gonna be communicating no more.
-Chimpanzee bridge.
-Humming away.
-Bus D.
-Doom aware.
-I do does it.
-Publish alterations.
-Stop with the worry.
-No weighing.
-A play on.
-How two?
-All evil eyed.
-Does routine create or destroy identity?
-Can't tell if connection or just interference.
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