(no subject)

Feb 25, 2013 21:16

-"Maybe there's more to you but that's all that I have ever seen"
-I moon.
-"Everything simple is false. Everything which is complex is unusable." ~Paul Valéry
-War is Hello Kitty.
-"if I'm a donkey, then two and two is four"
-That dream just gave it all and then stole it away.
-She is still alive.
-"a society cannot be simultaneously fair, free and equal. If it is fair, individuals who work harder will accumulate more wealth; if it is free, parents will leave the bulk of their inheritance to their children; but then it will not be equal, as people will begin life with different fortunes."
-You are not one of a kind, but the incarnation of several avatars.
-We are just riders on the road. Living like we're old. Dying like we're bold.
-Non particular rush.
-"If there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of men." ~Edward D. Morrison
-Waited for this near silent hum.
-Piles of guile.
-"Communications tools don’t get socially interesting until they get technologically boring… It's when a technology becomes normal, then ubiquitous, and finally so pervasive as to be invisible, that the really profound changes happen."
-Character action.
-You so easily forget. Not just a distant memory.
-To what end?
-End of the world.
-"myth changes while custom remains constant; men continue to do what their fathers did before them, though the reasons on which their fathers acted have been long forgotten. The history of religion is a long attempt to reconcile old custom with new reason, to find a sound theory for an absurd practice." ~James Frazer
-Shaving powers.
-Try vial.
-All right angles.
-Rush in like a hero, full of bashful bluster and purpose.
-Would you rather be empty or full of shit?
-"Beliefs can survive potent logical or empirical challenges. They can survive and even be bolstered by evidence that most uncommitted observers would agree logically demands some weakening of such beliefs. They can even survive the total destruction of their original evidential bases." ~Lee Ross and Craig Anderson
-Prayer does not irk me.
-The draw of names.
-Risk it all, that's the only reason you have it.
-Do not let the asshole define the circumstance.
-This echo cannot fail.
-It feels like I have been 26 forever.
-All together how?
-Rolled and stolen.
-Practically practical
-You are rubbing my blood in my face.
-One might think that two might sync.
-Spoiled and fresh.
-Forgive and regret.
-Find it where it hides.
-A more efficient heater benefits more than just the one who pays for it's fuel.
-Don Peyote.
-You got to talk to me.
-"This may never happen again."
-Same claim.
-"Like a nightingale without a song to sing."
-"If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore." ~Freud
-Can you have respect without expectations?
-"As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it-whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash." ~To Kill A Mockingbird (film)
-A spark is a spark.
-I knew something was wrong.
-Insatiable insight.
-"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." ~Fortunate Cookie
-"Thank you bifocals, for being focals that are into whatever" ~Jimmy Fallon
-Je ne sais quasi.
-All out of it.
-Can't let go of what is not in hand.
-A man can live on tea alone.
-Shared laughter.
-No time like never.
-Are your taunts purposeful?
-Approach like a worse fool.
-Full of fruit.
-Difference between empathy and tolerance.
-"He's so smart it scares me sometimes."
-'those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter'
-If I had suffered rather than enjoyed those years I might agree.
-Rearm with aplomb.
-The very incarnation of incantation.
-The river yesterday is not tomorrow.
-Akin to a door ajar.
-The specifics aren't particular.
-Nosmo King.
-Correct and calm.
-Demands vs expectations.
-In all wonder.
-Insult and honor all at once.
-Warm butt kisses.
-Minimize miss.
-"for the want of a nail"
-Is it concrete that I fear?
-Adjust your grip.
-Reverse the inverse.
-Clairly prescient.
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