(no subject)

Oct 28, 2012 10:26

-"One who does nothing but wait for his ship to come has already missed the boat." ~Fortune Cookie
-Human dignity cannot retreat.
-"And oh, before you go, before you go
Let me just take one last glance love
Oh, before you go, before you go
Could you tell me what's my chance love"
-I need something.
-You are given something and not others. Get over it.
-Ahead of the curves.
-Purpose vs meaning.
-Intimidation is an act of cowards.
-"As people working in a creative field it is easy to fall into this trap. It is easy to forget that the greatest works aren't great because they crawled out of a genius's mind but rather because they are refined products crafted with attention to detail by hands well practiced in their art."
-Vague assignment.
-I am not going to restate what you already know.
-"When a tortoise yawns, it yawns alone."
-They just assume you mean it cause you said it.
-Where do all the kind people hide?
-The trappings of success.
-I am not really a pacifist. I am just not as sure as you appear to be.
-It's got to hurt when you know it can't be.
-It was never correct but it was sometimes useful.
-Appreciate thirst.
-Exercises caution.
-"To the fuck pit. I call topsies." ~Colbert
-Yeah you are right. It is so unfair that people have to continually participate in democracy.
-Patient romance.
-I am private in that I don't hand over my info. But I will say most anythings.
-Everyone spins.
-A point of pride.
-Conspicuous consumption
-Nothing about it I can do.
-Almost everything you have ever read was written by a person.
-"chest bursting emotion."
-Desore rebellion.
-How much is not as important as when.
-Opportunity rocks.
-Baby, she ain't. No more, can't be.
-There are some ideas I think are interesting but for some reason those that try to reach conclusions irk me.
-Money is a resource not intrinsic value.
-"I swear, the world better prepare."
-You say what I do reflects my character but you do not factor in how my actions are based upon guesses of your character.
-Conversation dictators the endlessly meaningful nature of words.
-"Enjoy it right now while you have it all in your hands."
-Watching wax dry. Watching chaos fade.
-Feeling gouda.
-'I do not respect the public's opinion but I do honor their aspirations.'
-The bathtub was made for iced cream.
-Game timer.
-It is a group effort as we have common goals.
-Where to be flung.
-If there is not a point where you can be lost then it is not worth it, what is the cost.
-There are lesser evils.
-"A little thing called cadence."
-Except the rules.
-"Veil of ignorance."
-Helping others with what you got should not motivate you to get less.
-Hero ICs.
-Line in the sand.
-I think I like Elizabeth Warren even though I know little about her because the people she is making upset are the ones who should be.
-Useful mistake.
-My teeth must have some thick skin.
-Better is not always better. Our parameters can be wrong and what comes next from what already is could be better.
-"the place you belong"
-It does sound that way but it is not.
-My only path to doc.
-Where do I draw the line?
-We are too sensitive about the wrong things.
-Can't save and restart.
-Rockin' da boat.
-How it is supposed to be.
-Jarring throaty brief laugh.
-Sink revelation.
-Should I be an advocate?
-We need some protections from ourselves. We need to realize when we are not at our best. And how temptation can override whatever sense of duty any of us possess.
-Bold quiet heroes.
-Even if it was those two options, and it is not, I would prefer to err on the side of helping those who ask for it.
-When I am honest with you, you close off or get angry. I prefer angry.
-A virtue can hurt you.
-That pain in your muscles is not weakness leaving the body. It is strength entering.
-Will I look back on this and think I made the right decision?
-That's right. It was an illusion from the start.
-I don't like where I am but I am not really interested in where you are.
-Need this feeling.
-Hey, that's just as presumptuous as I was being.
-Want her.
-Chopping my arm off. Rubbing garlic into wound.
-Approaching deliciousness.
-"other people's definitions of you are sometimes more about making themselves feel better"
-Fuck yeah. Gonna do it realsies.
-A man who lets his temper get the better of him ain't no man at all.
-"Who is John Galt? He refused to participate in society and no one has seen him since."
-You seem to think the only form of progress is a forward march.
-Sadly no one is evil.
-What a coward.
-You need to get over your fear of being left out.
-Sometimes the only way to help someone is to compromise yourself.
-Wealth should come with guilt not a sense of accomplishment.
-Sit in silence once. Not in misery.
-"Because we loved each other and it was awful and we knew it was never gonna change. Ever."
-Don't volunteer for culture.
-Selflessly controlled.
-My indecisiveness will be the death of me. Or not.
-I hate these things but I also appreciate them. Useful evils.
-Attempt truth in discourse.
-Time slows down if you stop underestimating the day.
-Out of touches.
-My intent is not survival.
-I just want to talk.
-"I think ambition is good. I think overreaching is good. I think giving people a vision of government that’s more than Social Security checks and debt reduction is good. I think government should be optimistic." ~The West Wing
-Formals vs functions.
-Conned in.
-Some people do not put effort into communication.
-Learn or experience.
-"Someone should invent invisible toothpaste."
-Within love.
-Can't find nothing.
-I need Ben Franklin to scold me and kick me out.
-What it takes for passion.
-Does context add or remove meaning?
-Deep worries.
-Using my words against me while ignoring my intent.
-"Hold the fish loosely or it is gonna flop right out of your hands."
-Felt fine. Feeling grand.
-Speaking to shelves.
-There is no justice on the battlefield.
-"Will Will will the will to Will?"
-Getting there.
-Do think thrice, it's a fight.
-This is the part I should live for.
-A sandwich so heroic the gods do know it.
-Thanks other old man.
-Time to win.
-I miss yo face babe.
-Practice makes practice.
-So happy somehow.
-Many paths.
-If the strong do not protect the weak then they are merely powerful.
-Failing a port.
-Written ahead of time.
-"ain't no rest"
-Different wake up.
-I have not been this nervous for a long time.
-Too clever to be smart.
-Silence and inaction pale in comparison to the boredom of some ideas.
-Only sometimes is it better to be than to have been.
-Assigning blame will not help anything at this point.
-That wonderous joy, with all it's foolish sweat.
-Some things need to be done today.
-Have to become evil to prevent it. Eat the flames.
-Not content with death.
-If something like that bothers you a little I hope it bothers you a lot.
-Enough of your pleasantries.
-"If they are shooting at you, you know you're doing something right."
-So much to make up. So many to thank.
-"Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards. It takes both passion and perspective. Certainly all historical experience confirms the truth - that man would not have attained the possible unless time and again he had reached out for the impossible. But to do that a man must be a leader, and not only a leader but a hero as well, in a very sober sense of the word. And even those who are neither leaders nor heroes must arm themselves with that steadfastness of heart which can brave even the crumbling of all hopes. This is necessary right now, or else men will not be able to attain even that which is possible today." ~Max Weber
-Quadruple U.
-"I want us to talk about what it will mean and we'll make it work. I want us to talk like we're gonna figure it out together. I want us to talk...because I like the sound of your voice. I just want to talk."
-Just encased.
-I wouldn't think the road to hell would be paved at all. Though it is well traveled.
-Earn the rest.
-Don't lose your courage.
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