(no subject)

Aug 26, 2012 01:02

-I do not like being overlooked by you.
-If the circumstances lined up, or we had a moment maybe.
-I do not want to be happy. That should not be a goal but a side effect.
-The world will have to get used to real people, doing real things out in the open. It is harder to discriminate you for something common.
-All the things I hate.
-A long time ago, she felt the need to call and ruin my evening.
-There is a divide that is almost impossible to bridge. One side is steep and precarious.
-Someone has to fight these battles.
-"Whenever an affirmative proposition is apt to be verified for actually existing things, if two things, howsoever they are present according to arrangement and duration, cannot suffice for the verification of the proposition while another thing is lacking, then one must posit that other thing."
-She has high expectations for herself so she propels forward.
-If we can detain without trial then we should expect others to do the same to our citizens.
-To this I say boo.
-"Respect is earned."
-Don't know what I'm doing.
-Memorize me, hypnotize me.
-"As a wise man once said, the only thing worse than not getting what you want is someone else getting it"
-It is rare in the way that it is not.
-It becomes intraconnected not extraconnected.
-"'Then you are like everyone else.' 'I've never been accused of that.'"
-Tapping into a brand new reservoir.
-You don't notice when I try.
-Satisfaction profound.
-Determination cannot be lost.
-Converted to sweat.
-Late night labors.
-Your statement quickly becomes theirs to build on and embellish.
-Men are brave and cruel.
-'It's brave for being honest about cowardice.'
-Pain in my muscles.
-To die for or to kill for.
-You should at least think you can't survive without them.
-Understated avalanche.
-Does power corrupt all or does power just attract the corruptible?
-Been a year and all I miss is the reason I left.
-"The job's not easy, but it's not always the jobs fault."
-Fill your void with expensive tidbits.
-They won't like me when I move with the tide either.
-None of 'em.
-Sneaking in to a place I would not be allowed into via the front.
-Shaking my head.
-Entitled white boy.
-"I know we can do great things."
-"From the first time we met I knew."
-Do not love mirrors.
-Are you happy because you are supposed to be?
-You have to hop so we can shift the rug.
-One chance left. But that's what I started with.
-It sure doesn't feel convenient.
-Froze dry by the fan.
-Stop projecting.
-I am not going to argue with your bullshit anymore.
-Very sensitive to certain slights.
-Bored beyond legos.
-The road is all you can see.
-Not sure if a response to that is even possible.
-His first instinct is to stick his nose right in and needlessly harass all those involved.
-I think my problem with women comes down to their willingness to sleep with Batman.
-Society fails when it does not allow for it's own rejection.
-All just faking it.
-The goal must not be survival and only survival.
-The expectation is that we will all be enthusiastic and diligent concerning whatever you want.
-Elbow grease could do me good.
-You know what you're doing. Or I'm wrong. That addendum always applies.
-I can get over it.
-It actually disgusts me.
-Technology for dollaz.
-"The premise is absurd."
-The application of force is only allowed when you have enough force to back it up.
-It is tiring work, fighting against broad concepts.
-A bunch of people who did not kick and scream.
-Too many requirements. With standards too low.
-A generation who bite the hand that feeds them. Attached strings are hard to swallow.
-Wealth does not distinguish.
-If I could just decide I would willingly make a grand fool of myself.
-Patch of smooth skin.
-Self taught does not work as well for the cutting edge.
-Fear drives us off a cliff.
-Say what you must but I would prefer to not hear a single word about him.
-Your comfort is not guaranteed no matter what ye do.
-People can be tools, but we are not to be used as tools.
-From within or without.
-Contrition is my middle name.
-The whole world is already blind. What next? Now we just stab in the dark.
-"The most beloved people of all, the dead ones."
-Starts as a joke.
-That clown infected me with his sadness.
-I can forgive, I am not sure god does.
-This one time everything goes right.
-Badass tune and a deep strut.
-The easy to overlook importance of ceremony and objects.
-There ya go. Now that's an argument.
-Prolific eve.
-Do not diminish the beauty of a one off.
-A swarm of kisses.
-You wanted me to do that so you would have an excuse. A simple out.
-The law must evolve because we do it slowly.
-A whole new game.
-"Don't underestimate the redemptive powers of getting even.."
-It sounds like they are rebuilding my neighborhood.
-I want to split that timber.
-You need to tell me.
-I hope it is worth it for you. I hope your success is enough.
-You are mistaken if you see it as mandatory.
-"You are a wonderful lady, and I'm quite partial to wonderful ladies."
-The only way to get over it is full of compromise.
-You should not always state your personal perspective.
-Methodical is a last resort.
-It is easy to miss the distinction.
-"That ain't nothing."
-The problem with being great is you realize you are great and usually end up being great in the pejorative sense.
-We are expected to split our eggs but tell each basket they are special.
-Complimentary compliance.
-We sure complicated that with things that were not capital.
-Lack of coordination.
-An emptied room.
-Terrible men change the world. The only hope is that they change it in the name of good men, so those men can remain good.
-"The one you married for all the wrong reasons. The one you really loved."
-Amiacable argument.
-Entirely my fault.
-"It's such a sad old feeling
the fields are soft and green
it's memories that I'm stealing
but you're innocent when you dream"
-Quality is not the same as substance.
-"No one cared who I was until I put on the mask." ~Bane
-Broken farted. It's funny cause it's poo.
-Buzzed away. Driven.
-Returned. Too rested.
-Bleached terror.
-"I search the place for your lost face"
-I am not sure if we can see evil. But we can remember it.
-You might not believe or recognize this but I am only one who needs to for it to succeed.
-This wet salt will mean something.
-"Give you the stars above, Sun on the brightest day"
-Life is longer than inaction will allow.
-Prepare yourself.
-Not Gatsby anymore.
-You just want what you already think to be reaffirmed.
-"oh, the world's not round without you"
-Fuck this and that.
-"your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you." ~The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski
-You should be insulted.
-"All he knows is you're not there."
-I can't be convinced of anything.
-"Don't ruin the poetry."
-Warm hope.
-Childish feelings.
-Running out of things to lose.
-Sometimes you have to start with the arbitrary and then you can move on from there.
-"They put you on a pedestal, look up to you and then blame you for the crick in their neck" ~Damages
-Participation reinforces the game.
-So Frank it don't hurt.
-Found a new show.
-You can still love with a broken heart. It may even be required.
-If you are not conflicted I am not sure if I can trust you.
-You can only get applause if you give a hand.
-Atrocious ambition.
-Scotch and Sonic.
-'i've haven't...'
-We are too sensitive to words considering how often we overlook language.
-Do not act to act.
-"Character is what you do in the dark."
-I need this.
-There are too many for there to be steadfast rules.
-That way of doing things is not for peoples.
-Begging for lies.
-Too stubborn to be useful.
-N/A is my favorite response.
-Tea is not breakfast.
-Up front concerning limitations.
-"I have clarity now."
-It is not running away if it is where you should be.
-Closet minded.
-They have to be willing to teach.
-Always or never.
-If you are not suffering right now then it was the right choice.
-No place for blunt weaponry.
-"Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream."
-Losing the way I must.
-It is set up so there is no one to complain to.
-No chances.
-Missing da point.
-Spinned til dizzy.
-It is not bullshit. It is just depressing.
-Why do we have to go from friends to enemies? My fault.
-A dance is more than steps.
-"Tryin to live without your love 
Is one long sleepless night"
-First is generally a big deal.
-Are you only special if others are not?
-If you are okay with nothing, everything else should not be required.
-Dumb desire.
-I hope I am not sick.
-You destroyed the routine.
-At the core is indecisiveness not malicious intent.
-What is deemed success is sometimes handed to you.
-Not willing to give damns or dykes.
-So easy to push away.
-I sit corrected.
-We should not blame them for their optimism.
-Dire in doses.
-It is like there is some external motive toward your survival.
-Ignorance is occasionally a defense.
-A post war world.
-This nation is only as great as we.
-I guess what we do might matter.
-Too limited in her thinking.
-Tragedy in my wake.
-"A drunk will steal your wallet and feel like shit about it. An addict will steal your wallet and then help you look for it."
-It's not that I think people should not have guns. It just frightens me that people are so proud of ownership.
-The only bridges you really have to burn are those that you might want to cross.
-"I'm done pretending that I could ever feel about anyone else the way I feel about you."
-Got to draw and box.
-I said a whole bunch of things and you only heard part of it.
-Well liked but full of hate.
-I am pretty sure excuses and explanations are the same thing.
-It's only a waste if you didn't learn something.
-In the long run legs get tired.
-You should not ignore the origin.
-Learn to struggle.
-Tech should wait for efficiency.
-Are you trying to avoid thought?
-I'm not sure what to do. Oh wow. Well I guess I do.
-Everything else can be deduced from a single situation.
-High pitched text.
-If we manage to create a system to replace capitalism we will look back at this time in the same way we look at governments before democracy.
-Unwavering or understanding.
-Information is not scarce.
-It is not original but it has not been done.
-I don't believe in merit alone.
-"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles
What makes you think you’re something special when you smile?"
Some kind of solitude is measured out in you
You think you know me but you haven’t got a clue"
-Same old shit.
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