Here's a few shots of the cosplay I debuted at PAC - my first steampunk design! I was inspired a by
sm_matrix's steampunk
mechanical doll and this
steampunk aviator fairy from Dragon*Con that I saw last month, so, working off my Lolita Launchpad McQuack costume, I put together a clockwork fairy. I've just decided to name the persona "Cottingley," after
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I REALLY hope they do organize this event again and that I can convince more people to go. The programming was great - a lot of the panels were more like round table discussions, and much of the anime screened was older stuff, classics or heading back to the roots of anime. I got to see a lot of Osamu Tezuka's early or experimental work - something that certainly doesn't get shown at typical cons. If adult anime fans start supporting this con, this could be almost like a mini-Dragon*Con of the North, albeit more tightly focused on anime rather than pan-fandom.
And I got your message! I just texted you a little bit ago (I know you must be in bed). Inquiring minds want to know: HOW??? When I called, I was told that Sunday was completely sold out, even at the normal non-con rate, and that even though there were 2-4 rooms open for Friday and Saturday, the computer wasn't letting the clerk book the rooms. What magical strings did you pull!?
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