Jul 21, 2006 10:05
I didn't watch the first two seasons of this, but Wednesday night, as I sat in my apartment - which looks a bit like (1) a craft store vomited all over it, and (2) a bit like the designers' apartments AFTER the first challenge of "dismantle your apartment and make an outfit out of it" - working on some costumes, I had Project Runway on. Inspirational motivation, if you will.
At any rate, allow me one rant.
Vincent. Wow, are you a dick on legs, and not in the sexy way. STFUPLZKTHX.
I'm not a Malan fan: he's a cocky arrogant prissy boy, but he at least has integrity, originality and character. He was very classy on the runway listening to the critiques from the judges, and honest in his accepting responsibility for the design. The gown might have been a bit busy - definitely needed to tone down all the gathering and ruching built up over the boobs - his gown was well-tailored and fit the model excellently, unlike Vincent's green prom-dress abortion, which didn't fit, had no style, and hung on the model like a burlap bag with darts in it. And Vincent still thinks he's all that and a bucket of cheese whiz.
Everytime he opens his smarmy mouth I want to rip out his tonsils with a pair of pinking sheers. First he tells Angela to keep all her ideas to herself, then tells her to not do anything because it will interfere with his "vision" or his "inspiration" (which I can only imagine must have been a pile of green vomit), and then he turns into a whiny bitch who won't stop wanking that Angela did nothing to help and she was a lousy team supporter. Newsflash: Vincent, in order to have a good follower, you have to be a good leader. Which you are not. So shut up and get yourself kicked off the show already, would you? You have no sense of style, taste, or fashion.
On the other hand, Kayne and Robert? A beauty pageant gown designer and a designer for Barbie? Awesome. I can absolutely seeing them going into business together - or just about anything else together (I hope neither has a boyfriend already) - at the end of this. I'm glad I got in on this season in the beginning, so I have an idea of the personalities and the challenges. Because seriously, wheeee, drama!
Yes, it's true. I've started devoting posts solely to TV shows. I'd say, "oh, how the mighty have fallen," but I don't think I was ever that mighty to begin with. So meh.