day 4

Jul 17, 2010 19:25

Day 01 : The things you want to do with/to your favorite member and/or all of them.
Day 02 : Your favorite biggest mystery in Arashi fandom.
Day 03 : Your favorite naked picture of all time.
Day 04: The funniest moment ever in Arashi's history.
Day 05: If you could choose between stockings on your head, nipple t-shirt, panda makeup, golden guy makeup or the swan, which one would you choose, and why? (none is not an acceptable answer.)
Day 06: Philosophically, do you think Nino is more like a shrimp or a chicken, and would you eat it anyway?
Day 07: Whatever tickles your tickling area.

The first thing that popped in to my head was the Nino cam from How's it going? , but that may be cause other people said that. XD

The most recent clip I saw when I laught like hell was Sho!fail. It was Sho vs. Helicopter. The helicopter won. XD I felt sorry for him, but at the same time i laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair! XD

But all the How's it going? cam's are full of crack, and those are a few of the wierdest moments of 嵐 I have ever seen. XD

It's really hard to pick just one moment! D: But if I have to, I guess it would have to be something when they're dorking around and/or failing. Something like THE CRACK BUS.

If you have not seen it, GO WATCH IT. LIKE, NOW.

meme, random, arashi

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