Jan 10, 2005 16:42
1. party: christmas party haha
2. show: um...oC?! o and Ali G lol
3. cd: Keane/Hopes and Fears...Killers...Britney Spears/In The Zone...you get the picture
4. movie: Phantom of the Opera...spiderman 2 was good too, so was Garden State and Napoleon..o and Before Sunset KICKED ASS
5. song: wayyy to many
6. experience: adapting to my new school
7. concert: Shins
8. book: Harry Potter...or was that last year lol
9. month: June
10. day: i cant say
1. party: one of lester's parties like a bajillion months ago..it was baaad
2. show: Th Apprentice
3. cd: umm music is good
4. movie: i forget
5. song: Get Low...even though i loved it
6. experience: i dont like to talk about it
7. concert: ?
8. book: Sword in The Stone/Cold Moountain
9. month: november
10. day: no specific day
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: Bush will get assasinated...hopefully lol jk..thats mean..i ttink ;-)
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: that ppeople will stop being so selfish and realize that without a clean environment and safe allies, we are going to die.
3. what do you hope for yourself?: to connect with more peopl
4. what do you hope for your family?: that my grandpa gets better and my grandma gets a reality check hat what hes going through is hard to
5. what do you hope for your friends?: for them to realize that life is more than boys
DURING 2004:
1. where were you when it began?: justin's house of course
2. did you stay up?: heck yes
3. what was your new year wish?: to find more good friends
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: uhhh...shh
5. broke up?: i said shh damit!
6. have any crushes?: si señor
7. care to mention names?: well..not counting all the famous people? anna..lol jk. i dont think i should say there names cause it would just be weird...one guy starts with an N, they other a D, etc. u guess k?
8. new friends?: yah like all the kids at VP seeing that im new...duh!
9. had to say goodbye?: umm yah lets not talk about it
10. missed anyone?: see the previous question
11. win anything?: umm...a couple of things for soccer, things for graduation and stuff, and other than that i forget
12. best place you went to?: Magic Mountain or San Diego
13. worst place you went to?: pierce college...dont ask its been goin for a while now
14. happiest moment?: graduation
15. how was your birthday?: it was fun...disneyland with sam kevin and josh...actually that was really fun
16. best present?: all my clothes for x-mas
today was like a snow day except with no snow...i officialy love the rain cause it means u dont have school today....and TOMORROW!!! holy shit this rocks the house
k bye