(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 19:25

aight so..its been an amazing fun busy weekend...

friday night me chris emily and duncan went to the oak mountain game...and watched vestavia get whooped by them..and so that was fun...

then LAST NIGHT.. we went to the KICK ASS BaMa game... woot woot..

and of course i brought my camera...so here are some peek chas!

oh p.s. we were on espn CHEERING! **whos jealous?**

emily and me.... u dont have to tell us we're hott..we already know!...hehe just kidding

...us again...and i bought a cowboy hat.. hehe

emily in her elephant ears..haha.. we actually considered her buying those!!

..in our seats **the lady in the back posed for our picture TOO!!! HAHAHAHA**

pictures with chris :: atempt one

attempt two....thank u DUNCAN!

attempt three :: haha.. featuring the aquafina bottle... FROM DUNCAN!!!! -_-  **my hair did something weird!! ha.....**

mmm..attempt four...gross...but hes my cute little bama fan as of saturday...ive made him convert... cause bamas better than auburn!

..finally a sorta normal picture...AND HE LOOKS STONED!!

duncan and em! WHAT HOTTIES!! I LOVE THEM

haha..and emily licked chris' hand!!!!

hahaha...sooooooo sexy!

um...duncan is my hero!

haha duncan and i were assuming the position... just in reverse....**chris and emily were jealous!!!!!!!! haha!..jk**

haha so many sexual things come to mind! but man what a babe

mm.. soo yummy

sooo..duncans having fun!...p.s. his hat is sexy

haha YAY FOR SPRINKLERS!!!!! **roll tide bitches**


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