Aug 19, 2005 15:13
aight im going to be gone this weekend..
so that means that i was not going to be able to get my shit for school
soo i got it today
and so hur is my skeeddu.
1st period :: FREE!! what up! =]
2nd period :: Chemistry .... WITH MR. ED MARSHALL!!! sawwweet... tripp and i decided that even though we havent met him yet..he still had to be better than....the burger.. =D
3rd period :: West Civilization... Dr. Cooper..... woot.....=/ << p.s. the armada wasnt in our books.. does THAT MEAN WE DONT HAVE TO READ IT!!! oh god..that makes me want to pee in my pants
4th period :: Musica with Dr. Thomas... he freaks me out
5th period :: FREEEEE
6th period :: FREEEEE! hehe
7th period :: Ingles con Dr. Williams
8th period :: Geo fucking metry with mrs. mcgowan.......... im never going to make it in 8th period math.. i need to gets it ova with at the beg. of the day...esp. since its freaking geometry
9th period :: Espanol tres... with some new chick.. but her last name is cool! osollo... hhmm..
10th period :: free like always
soo i was confused as to why they didnt put gym up here.. is that when u become a sophmore and older..u only have to take one semester of p.e./or one semester of a sport... cause i thought that started when u were juniors...
of course then again.. ive been to gym about 5 times in my life in the past 2 years...
SO YO.. yall need to let me know if i have nething with you causeee im not goin to be at the real thing on saturday..