How can 75 Academics be so goddamn stupid?
My advice? Don't be so fucking blinded by your politics and think with a level head.
Here's a nittle snippet from that article:
Prof Jones said: "We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone.
"We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this."
Yes, they didn't plan the USS Cole bombing, either. Nor the 1998 American Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. Oh, no, they're not wily and crafty enough. Idiots.
I mean, really? Just to get Oil? Even though Bush is going away in 2008?
But hey, if it IS just a war for oil, then it's your fault as well. You and your wonderful environmentalist retard friends aren't allowing oil to come in from Alaska because of, OH, CARIBOU! OH, INDIGENOUS SPECIES! Oh, BULLSHIT.
They made a pipeline there in the 70's. It didn't affect wildlife. Fuck you.
This all reeks of idiocy and impatience. Just wait till Bush goes away in 2008 and spare me your bullshit. Please. The world will be a better place if you just shut the fuck up and go back to teaching, you retards.
Or not, because, GOD I don't want these idiots teaching classes to the already stunted youth of America.