Mar 21, 2008 21:57

ANONYMOUSLY post a pairing and a kink. This meme is open to ALL pairings and ALL kinks. Yaoi, Yuri, and Het is welcome here. Fluffy kinks, gory kinks, gross kinks, what have you. Even Gen if that is, as they say, what floats your boat. Anything goes! It. Doesn't. Matter. Just post it, Anons!

After that, your request will be filled out by ( Read more... )

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[It Doesn't Run In The Family] [1/6, maybe] anonymous January 16 2009, 05:25:37 UTC
Woo, okay, I did it! And hot damn, I wrote this all in one shot, what the hell. This didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to. But hey, nobody else seems interested in the prompt, so uh... better than nothing.

It Doesn't Run In The Family


If the ‘computer’ machine was already confusing, the ‘internet’ that was inside it was mind-blogging. But, like any self-respecting cowboy would, Flint overcame its challenge and reached what seemed like a safe starting point: Gogle. Golge. Goo-- whatever it was called. It could find things for him, and that was apparently the whole charm of the interweb.

But where to start?

Flint began by something obvious, yet possibly challenging to the computer machine (Happy Info Box, said a piece of paper left by the Pig Masks along the machine itself): Tazmily. What could the internet know about a calm little village like his home?

So he entered the name (after much searching the keyboard for the right letters) and waited all of two seconds for his results. In those two seconds, the Happy Info Box provided him with a map of Tazmily (which he would print later, because Mapson had doodled over his old map a little too much), historical information that never seemed to go too far into the past, and even an index of all the people living there.

This Happy Info Box seemed to know a lot. So, like any brave cowboy, Flint decided to test its limits - he had to make sure it didn’t know too much.

The next keywords he entered were ‘Claus’ and ‘Lucas’, both at the same time; putting them together was mostly done out of habit, and he figured that the machine could tell him where they were, anyway. He’d been searching for Claus for years now, and Lucas seemed to have gotten himself involved in his own search, too, because he hadn’t come home in three nights. He was worried, alright, but he was also a bit proud of his shyer son. Maybe the cowboy genes were starting to show up. Maybe his little Lucas would have his very own moustache soon. He damn well hoped that Claus, wherever he was, should have one by this time, and the thought almost made him shed a manly tear.

This time the results were very… different.

First were a series of pages with descriptions that warned him about ‘spoilers’, stressing very much that no one should look without being aware of those. Cowboys could go anywhere they pleased, Flint thought stubbornly, but they did respect rules, and ‘spoilers’ sounded contagious anyway, so he looked past those web-places.

Scrolling down the list, he finally came across something that didn’t seem infected by spoilers, and had his sons’ names bolded in the description. It seemed like only an excerpt of something, but being the only accessible web-place at the moment, it caught his eye easily.

id_smash_that: Super Smash Bros Kink Meme, the title said, giving way to an even more puzzling description. Comments; Page 5; Lucas/Ness/Claus OT3. <3

OT3? Comments to what? And who was Ness? He didn’t have a third son, that was for sure, but he couldn’t figure out what else that placement meant. Even weirder yet was the symbol beside that; Hinawa might’ve said it looked like a heart, but a cowboy really couldn’t go around seeing hearts everywhere - it just didn’t go with the image - so he was back to square one. He had to click his way into that web-place and find out.

The site he entered was simple enough, full of light blue rectangles that said ‘Anonymous’, under which were - as he assumed - the comments. The first one, as expected, read Lucas/Ness/Claus OT3. <3 Well then, the next ones should explain what that meant, no?

I second that SO HARD. <3

Now what could that mean? Was this Lucas/Ness/Claus business a motion that could be seconded? A concept? An idea? Just what did any of this have to do with his sons?

He didn’t like it. This Anonymous seemed to know something about the twins, and it could very well be vital. He could only hope that they were alright, and that this Kink Meme place could eventually reveal their location. Thus, he read on.


... if no one is taking this, then I'll write it.

Flint didn’t even try to figure out what that meant.


[It Doesn't Run In The Family] [2/6] anonymous January 16 2009, 05:27:26 UTC
Ness sleepily lifted his head up and quizzically stared at the newcomer, Lucas. The blonde boy rubbed his arm and looked down, feeling completely awkward.

“… I had a nightmare…”

Ah-hah! That was it! He knew his cowboy instinct would never fail him; Anonymous was very smart, indeed, but he’d found something big. Anonymous knew where Lucas was and what he was doing, and this could only be some sort of log of his daily activities. Maybe Anonymous was allied with the Pig Masks that kept messing Tazmily up, and for the looks of it, Anonymous wasn’t just one person. The situation had escalated without his knowledge; he could only wonder. Maybe this report wasn’t so recent. Maybe it was a transcription of security cameras. Maybe Anonymous was following Lucas and this Ness person. Maybe--

Wordlessly, the black-haired boy moved so Lucas could have space to lie down on his bed. The blonde closed the door behind him and walked towards the bed, burying himself under the covers.

Fighting the urge to put Ness next in line for his manly wrath, he skipped a few lines to investigate further.

“Geez, why are you so cold?” Ness raised an eyebrow, now knowing why the other boy was so close to him. He found it rather weird, since Lucas could use PK Fire to warm himself up. Then again, there was the chance he could set stuff on fire this way.

“… Claus stole my blanket.”

Claus! So Anonymous did know where the brunette was. The exact location wasn’t disclosed yet, but at least he was with Lucas.

Someone sneaked in swiftly and quickly laid down right besides Ness (which formed a Ness sandwich of sorts).

It was definitely a good thing that they were trapped together. The twins were extremely united; they could make it out on their own as soon as they decided to try. Maybe they just wanted to help this Ness kid as well. Lucas, for one, was too soft-hearted to abandon anyone.

“I felt lonely.” Claus grinned, though the other boys couldn’t see it. “Plus, Lucas stole my pillow.”

Lost in thought, Flint merely skimmed over the text, half-mindedly watching out for important information--

Ness’s eyes and mouth were wide open; he wasn’t expecting Claus to do that. Lucas’s red-haired brother then planted a big kiss on Ness’s neck, which made the dark-haired boy squeak.

--such as that.

Lucas bit his lip; he didn’t like this at all. The blonde moved from where he was and sat cross-legged on another spot, so he could place Ness’s head on his lap. Doing so, he leaned in rather awkwardly and softly kissed Ness on the lips. He HAD to let Claus and Ness know about his feelings, before his brother decided to do further stuff with Ness in front of him.

It was them, alright - he could expect Claus to take the initiative, being the most outgoing of the two - but why were his beloved kids doing that with another boy? One they never introduced to him, even.

Sure, Lucas’ cowboy genes weren’t showing yet and he did seem more alike to Hinawa, but that didn’t mean he liked boys in that way. Being Flint’s son, it was no less than his destiny to steal countless hearts and eventually marry only the most beautiful girl in town. In retrospective, it was no surprise he was so close with that really manly girl, Kumatora, but…

Flint had questions. Many, many questions. And this Kink Meme would give him answers.

Gathering his courage, he finished the current report and clicked out into the full extension of the Kink Meme, instantly holding down the Ctrl and F keys to begin another search within its confines. Twenty-one pages… it would be a long and thorough investigation, but he swore on his cowboy hat that he would pull through.



Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [3/6] anonymous January 16 2009, 05:31:00 UTC
The first thing Flint had to understand was that ‘story’ or ‘fic’ where synonymous to these logs. Once that had sunk in, it wasn’t hard to deduce that the Kink Meme was a place where Anonymous requested reports on certain events, all of which happened within some sort of manor full of fighters from different places. The toughest pill to swallow, though, was that most of these events hardly ever involved fighting - rather, they revolved around… around… certain activities that cowboys like himself were always knowledgeable about. Other people, however, just made it wrong on levels he couldn’t even begin to describe, especially at his sons’ age.

Flint was a broken man, indeed, but he would come out of this even stronger than before.

Then began the truly unpleasant discoveries.

"Aa.." Lucas made a small noise, and Red raised his head, and an eyebrow, as if to ask what it was Lucas wanted. He was caught off guard and made a noise in surprise as he found his lips had met with his friends', on Lucas' own volition. His eyes were wide for a moment, still in shock, but moments later, the trainer let them close gently. The hand that been toying with the Pokéballs moments before set the red and white orbs aside, and he raised a hand to place on the smaller boys' back.

He’d winced at that, he’ll admit; he hadn’t even considered the possibility of Lucas having had his first kiss yet, but if that one log about the small psyhic, Claus and Ness taught him anything, it was his own ignorance. He found, then, that that one escapade hadn’t even been the first time the blond had kissed another boy.

After an incident that involved not catching the first two syllables in ‘pokéballs’ and promptly spitting his drink right at the Happy Info Box’s screen, he found himself ready to proceed. Good thing he’d put many other stories in some useful little extra windows called ‘tabs’ as he found them (he really tried to be brave about this and not tiptoe around the web-place, lest he miss something important, but he could only stand so much of his little Lucas’ innocence being lost).

He slowly scrolled down past another request entry marked as Ness/Lucas. Bracing himself, he began reading - there was little else to do, considering the report was titled ‘Coming of Age’, and he couldn’t possibly hope for Lucas’ innocence to be intact there. Moreso, it would probably tell him how all of it started, and maybe even how Lucas fell on the hands of the twisted Anonymous.

Ness saw the fierce blush on Lucas' face, not knowing what to think. It was obvious that neither of them had done this before. When the blond whimpered and moved his hips over his though, he gasped. His vision swam as his body reacted, instinctively grinding back, producing a large, throaty moan from his friend. Ness imagined that his face was just as bright as Lucas' at that moment, because hearing that sound made him want more.

He shuddered. It was difficult to continue reading, especially with the knowledge that that was the very moment the gentle Lucas had become corrupted. He was violating the boys’ intimacy, but Anonymous was in the wrong to leave such delicate reports where an audacious cowboy could come across them.

After all of this led him to his sons, he would have to talk with them about Ness. A very, very long and very, very awkward talk, but it would be for the best.

Absently, he skimmed over the text and moved on to the next. It wasn’t like any of the twins was… gay. No, not at all. It wasn’t like anyone’s balls were touched in any way--

Lucas already knew what to do. Ness shivered, the paler boy's hand curled around his sac in a gentle grip; the now-capless boy bit his lip, not used to such caress and care there by anyone else.

--no, it wasn’t like anything was inside anything, so technically it didn’t count. He continued along the same report.


[It Doesn't Run In The Family] [4/6] anonymous January 16 2009, 05:33:28 UTC
The shy blond's peace snapped with a wild probe; Lucas cringed, clinging to Ness as the darker haired boy's finger entered him. That... was... WEIRD! He wasn't sure if he liked this feeling at all. As he loosened, Ness's words were a comfort to his ears, and felt disappointed when the odd probing and exploring did leave.

Lucas yelped.

This was what Ness meant when it was "better" face-to-face. He needed the support: as his body torn apart inside, Lucas buried his cries into Ness's shoulder, fingers raking along the bolder boy's arms.

…Okay. He got the point. Lucas liked boys. That was okay. In fact, it would also be okay to skip that one and look for useful information in the next tab. Anonymous, Flint decided, was a force to be reckoned with. A force so big and twisted that it was a worthy match for the bravest cowboy in Nowhere Islands.

He closed the tab hastily; he understood. Lucas really liked boys. And some boys were pretty fond of Lucas, too. Thus, Flint learned that the blond psychic, ever so shy and insecure, wasn’t even a virgin - courtesy of Ness.

It was odd how they came upon this position. Both were now completely naked...and minus some awkward feelings as their most private parts were exposed, the pair were still affectionate. They cuddled and kissed, drawing out some interesting and not-at-all terrible noises from each other and enjoying every moment.

"Careful, that's a nasty scratch I got from Charizard...don't you dare- ooh..." Lucas had stopped touching it and tenatively pressed his lips on the wound.

Red shuddered a bit; although his teaching about the erogenous zones in the body were paltry at best, Lucas was an avid learner...a pleasant and a bit disturbing surprise.

…and also courtesy of another boy named Red, apparently. After having a quick look through the fic in search of the same information as before, and whatever he could find out about Red, too, he closed the tab.

Lucas shuddered as the slight touch began to move up and down. It was like he had an entire colony of butterflies fluttering around madly in the pit of his stomach. He huffed, head tilting back allowing Red better access, because whatever he was doing… It was..

Lucas moaned, and wrapped his arms around the trainer’s shoulders, slowly rocking in time with the slow movement. Faster, his mind begged. Please.

He supposed he must have said it out loud, because he found himself pulled into a harsh kiss, Red’s hips meeting his own and grinding down and sliding and faster.

“Ah.. R-Red…”

Scratch that; Lucas lost his virginity to Ness, then to Red, twice. No, he didn’t know if it was physically possible to have more than one, but Lucas apparently had plenty. He also didn’t really want to know the exact number.

Furthermore, how many lovers did Lucas plan to have at the same time? It wasn’t honourable to have two, and even if Lucas wasn’t displaying the manliness passed down to him by Flint’s badass cowboy genes, he would still have to stick to the honour code and watch his morals.

Frowning, he finished reading in a hurry and moved on to the next tab.

He couldn't have expected any different. Lucas sighed, his head nestled in Ness's lap as the dark-haired boy swiped more for him. Red savored a chocolate-topped Lucas; the trainer caught the runaway drops falling off the sides, and his tongue dipped in his navel for more. Red pressed his hand into the syrup, rubbing it along Lucas's growing erection. The blond gasped, swearing he saw Ness nod to Red before smiling at him again. Ness bent forward, adjusting space as their lips pressed together in a delicious kiss.

"Mmm... MM--!" Cries muffled by their engagement, Lucas gasped before returning with tongue. Red took the blond's arousal and dipped it in his mouth, sucking firm and deep and swallowing as much flavor he could muster. Ness's kiss turned intense and his tongue moved faster to keep up. Lucas squirmed again, encouraging the other boys to continue their treatment.


[It Doesn't Run In The Family] [5/6] anonymous January 16 2009, 05:35:09 UTC
Flint frowned more deeply, his mouth falling agape. When he wondered about Lucas having two lovers at the same time… well, he didn’t think he’d have two at the same time and space! It was a solution, sure, but how did it even fit with morality?

He was too baffled to finish or check further comments. He was too baffled, altogether, about the whole situation and everything he learned through the Kink Meme. And he was too baffled to notice himself moving on to the next tab.

"Mm-hm." Claus nodded. "Being together. Especially the part of being together where you're naked."

"You can lie down here," Lucas offered, pulling back the blanket. After Claus' innuendo, the simple suggestion was really unnerving.

They do that on purpose, Ness reminded himself. He sat down on the bed next to Lucas, and bent over to take off his sneakers.

Oh. That… was another solution, but a tiny part of him hoped that Claus’ reappearance, demoralizing as it happened to be, meant that he would get a clue on the twins’ whereabouts soon. Deciding to indulge himself with that, which renewed his courage, he skipped a pretty long way ahead.

Claus blinked. "M-me? Okay." He smiled at Ness. "Awesome." He crawled over between Ness' legs, and pushed them back and apart. Ness smiled up at him. He leaned over, brushed his lips over Ness', and pushed in.

"Ohh. Oh, Claus. Claus! Ah-"

"Ahh!" Ness' eyes snapped open at the shout, almost right in his ear. Claus' face was twisted, gasping, as Lucas pushed into his ass. Lucas thrusted again, and pushed Claus back into Ness.

It should have taken longer the second time, but Claus whimpered and came after only a minute or two. Soon Ness was just lying there while the twins made love on top of him. He tried to reach a hand down and touch himself, but it was cramped, and when Lucas was done he was still whimpering and needy.

No such luck.

Flint stayed still for a moment, concentrating only on breathing and blinking. Twincest, huh? That was just about the last moral barrier to take down, he supposed. Unless he counted Oedipus Complex, but that was (much to his relief) out of question. Even if he’d kinda sorta feared that, one or a twice - but that wasn’t the point.

The point was that his twin sons weren’t virgins, were gay, and had exaggerated a bit on their brotherly love. The point also was that he’d run out of tabs, and was back to wading through Anonymous’ lair.

This was… impossible. He’d endured Anonymous’ disturbing show, and he’d gotten absolutely nothing out of it. Nothing that he liked knowing anyway.

There had to be something. He would make the internet ta-- err, text at him. He would, dammit!

Determined to make the whole endeavour be positive in some way, Flint clicked his way back into the previous page and scrolled past the entries as fast as they would go. Page nineteen; nothing new. Well then, Flint clicked back to page eighteen; Ness/Lucas, in which one of them cooker for the other. Certainly not Lucas, he decided. The boy would not be anyone’s housewife, and besides, he couldn’t cook the simplest noodles. That was probably the reason why it wasn’t reported yet. Immediately after that was a request for Lucas’ escapades with yet another lover, someone named Link. Toon Link. Definitely impossible, Flint decided; and indeed, it wasn’t yet reported.

Flint discovers the internet, and while testing what happens when he googles his sons' names he stumbles upon this meme...


[It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 16 2009, 05:36:10 UTC

That… was impressive. Very impressive.

But… how? Was Anonymous spying on him as well? Was that possible? Or was Anonymous lurking about, waiting for him to discover where their base was located, just so that he could walk into a trap?

FOURTHED (and possibly writing); I mean, I AM writing it, but it's taking a bit and if it winds up being fail I'd like anon to take a shot at it. <3

Anonymous knew. Their speed was mind-blogging. Deciding that he had to play it safe, Flint pressed the Happy Info Box’s ‘Off’ button and stood away from the machine, wondering whether it was safe to stay in the house.

It was about then that he noticed a piece of paper on the table, near an open envelope. Cautiously, he took it and examined its contents:

To Lucas from Tazmily:

You have been invited to participate in the Smash Brothers’ tournament, third season: Brawl. As you may already know, your invitation is the result of an extensive selection process, and attendance is obligatory.

A train will be sent to pick you up exactly 24 hours after your receive this letter. Board it to Eagleland, where you will meet with a competitor from your world and be sent to Merrysville. Our personnel will then have you board a private plane to Smashville.

Sincerely, your new boss,
Master Hand.

Flint crumpled the paper in his hand. There was only one thing to do now.

Eagleland it was.

Lives would be put in risk, chaos would be unleashed, certain parts of Ness’ and Red’s anatomy would be lost, but Flint was now a cowboy with a mission, and nothing would stop him.


Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE 4x4_of_manly January 16 2009, 05:41:56 UTC


Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE 4x4_of_manly January 16 2009, 05:42:43 UTC
W-woops. Way to go anonymous, self.



Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 16 2009, 23:34:21 UTC

Oh yeahh, this is writernon sayin' thank youuuu and Anonymous is pure heroism. <3 Or the opposite.


Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 16 2009, 23:48:50 UTC
Fufu~ He had to compete with 2x4_of_justice after all.





Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 20 2009, 18:09:52 UTC
T-That is fabulous ;; Unnng why do I never explore the LJ RP'ing places





Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 20 2009, 19:18:24 UTC
You should join usss.




Re: [It Doesn't Run In The Family] [6/6] I'M DONEEEE anonymous January 22 2009, 01:22:09 UTC
Oh lawd I can't rp to save my ass. Probably because I'm stupider about the interwebs than Flint in this story. WEB-PLACES, WHAT IS THIS.




anonymous January 16 2009, 21:32:36 UTC

♥ x forever!


anonymous January 16 2009, 23:35:25 UTC

Also, thanks a ton. <3


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