Mar 21, 2008 21:57

ANONYMOUSLY post a pairing and a kink. This meme is open to ALL pairings and ALL kinks. Yaoi, Yuri, and Het is welcome here. Fluffy kinks, gory kinks, gross kinks, what have you. Even Gen if that is, as they say, what floats your boat. Anything goes! It. Doesn't. Matter. Just post it, Anons!

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Purpose [1/2] anonymous June 6 2008, 03:34:10 UTC
There had been a presence lurking about Smash Mansion for some time now. Nobody else seemed to notice (if they did they weren't bothered by it), but something about it made Lucario's fur stand on end. Aura was the essence of all natural, living things, but this wasn't natural. Every time he tried to focus on finding the source of the peculiar aura, something blocked him. It felt... angry.

Eventually Lucario had given up on relying on aura to track his prey, and had turned to his other five senses. He wasn't happy about it, as part of Sir Aaron's training involved sense deprivation to heighten his aura abilities, and now Lucario felt that he was only wasting everything he'd learned. Still, the Pokemon wasn't going to give up on finding the elusive stranger.

One night the hunt brought Lucario out into the gardens. He kept himself in the shadows, ears standing erect, nose twitching fervently. Even without the use of aura he could sense that someone was here. Or something.

"It was you," a voice resounded through his head suddenly. "You who replaced me!"

Lucario was no stranger to the use of telepathy. He looked about wildly, letting his own thoughts drift into the minds of the night creatures nearby and, hopefully, his prey.

"What do you mean, 'replaced you?' Who are you?"

"Your predecessor... And the one who should still be in your place."

There was a faint gusting sound where there was no wind. Lucario's quick reflexes kicked in and he lept out of the way of a shadow ball, already letting a sphere of aura form between his paws.

"Please refrain from battling on the grounds of the mansion," came a pre-recorded female voice from a hidden loudspeaker. "Failure to comply will result in termination."

Lucario's aura faded. He glared at the darkness around him and barked, "show yourself!"

From seemingly nowhere (probably with the use of teleporting), a humanoid vaguely resembling a cat appeared. Its eyes were narrowed dangerously at Lucario, who stared back at it in wonder.

"What are you?"

"I am Mewtwo," the creature stated plainly. It hovered a few inches over the ground.

"Mew...two?" Lucario had seen a Mew-one before, and now that he thought about it, this new Pokemon bore some resemblance to it. If you squinted.

"A copy. Created by humans to be superior to all Pokemon..." It pointed a stubby finger at Lucario. "Including you. Why have you replaced me?"

"Created..." That explained the unnatural aura. Lucario couldn't help but feel a sense of awe; never before had he encountered something man-made that possessed a soul. "How have I replaced you?"


Purpose [2/2] anonymous June 6 2008, 03:35:20 UTC
"I was a competitor in these Smash tournaments. I filled the role of powerful psychic Pokemon." Mewtwo balled its fists and stared at them. "Even if it was for the entertainment of merciless spectators once more... I had a role. A purpose..."

"It was not my choice." Lucario's mind-voice was quiet, and he preened his fluffy chest-fur for something. "The hands forced me into it. I would have preferred to remain with my ma... my friend."

Mewtwo said nothing, so Lucario added, "I was not aware I was replacing anyone. This is the truth."

"...It is," Mewtwo conceded, and it was only after it stopped that Lucario realized it had probed deep within his mind. Undeterred, he pulled a carefully-wrapped piece of foil from his fur and began to unwrap it. The clone watched curiously as Lucario held out a piece of chocolate.

"I can do nothing about the Hands' decision, but this may make you feel better for a short time, at least."

Mewtwo's intense gaze settled on the sweet. "What is it?"

"A human food. It's very sweet."

Mewtwo turned its head away, expression unchanging. "I do not need to eat."

"You should taste it, anyway."

For a moment the other Pokemon made no response, and Lucario was about to eat the candy himself when Mewtwo finally took it and reluctantly put it into his mouth.

The clone was silent, expressing no love for the sweet but giving no sign of dislike either. In the silence of the night Lucario heard it swallow, and smiled to himself.

"If you are as strong as you say," Lucario began after some thought, "I would be honoured to train under you. It may not be the same as being on the battlefield yourself, but your fighting style will live on through me."

Mewtwo regarded Lucario with more silence. Finally it gave a curt nod and extended its hand. Lucario grasped it firmly and, with this new purpose in mind, the pair made their way off the grounds for the first lesson.


Lawl. Not as shippy as I was originally going for, but I hope it'll do anyway. D: Maybe someone else will be brave enough for smut.


<3 anonymous June 22 2008, 01:29:56 UTC
ohmygawd, I love you.

Yes, I could have done with more slash, but I'm still very happy, nonetheless.


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