(no subject)

Apr 22, 2008 20:34

 Ah what a day. I've really got to start keeping my camera on me. There is just too many neat things out here. The sunset over the mountains was awe inspiring. It inspired me to awelmost make a LJ post.

Last night in the laundry matt I picked up a magazine called westword. It was from a few weeks ago, but it was the "Best of Denver" edition. After a bit of mapquesting I did some traveling today after work. But more on that in a minute.

Ah work. I'm now taking training on C language. I've taken C++, and the basics are pretty much the same. So it's not that bad. Still looking at code for too long is dangerous to the mind, so I told my boss that I was leaving to go work out. Which is really awesome. Cause I can, and she actually recomended it. (In a non-insulting way to boot) So, I get to leave an hour early, on company time, that they pay for, to go to a gym, who's fees get reimbursed to me on top of getting paid regularly. Thats the sweetest deal I think I've ever heard of.

So I went to the gym. I got there around 3:30, while everyone else was still at work (not at my office, but pretty much all of Denver). Had the whole place to myself. Did some cycling, did some ab crunches, pumped some iron, went for a swim, and jacuzzi. I'm so glad I went in the jacuzzi, I'm so relaxed right now. Ahhh...

So anyway, back to the westword, I found an article that meantioned the "best bookstore for geeks in Denver". Intriguing... It's a little dive called Black and Read. A little out of the way, but I've found out well worth it. They not only had a large rack with every new D&D book, but also pretty much everything else I've ever heard of, old and new. And used, half off. I was finally able to upgrade to 3.5 without feeling the hurt. (yeah and I know that 4 is right around the corner, I don't care). It's a good store, very indie. Some guy came in wearing a naurto costume. Then I heard periodic yelling outside. I looked and found a gang of mini-martial artists practicing near the parking lot. I thought for a minute that I had stepped into some sort of anime. Being the mysterious character, I left without saying a word.

Yeah so, onto my next westword inspired destination, "best place to get Thai food in Denver". A lot closer to home, and man, what a small dive that was. US Thai Cafe. So I went there and ordered some Masman as they call it anyway. Figured I'd go on the safe side and get it medium. (I started getting hot masman over a tuk tuk, a Thai place real close to my place, good food but the parking sucks) However I'm glad I went with medium at US Thai, geez. I couldn't even finish it. At one point my nose started to bleed. Now thats too hot, even for me.

After that madness I went for a little drive, battled a ham demon*, and came back to my apartment. It was already 8 by the time I got home.

I don't like facebook. I don't even really like Myspace. They're too impersonal. I do like Newgrounds, I always find all sorts of neat stuff on there. You just got to watch out cause some of these have language. Anyone remember Charlie the Unicorn? Well they made a second one. Here's a nice nintendo colab well, except for the intemsision. Everyone seems to be having fun with SSBB. Like this. And this. Believe it or not, there are things on there that don't have anything to do with videogames. Like cats. You see, this is what would happen if I had a cat. And these quest type games based on Lost, the Roslin Station and the Atlas Station.

Not that I would have the slightest idea of what was going on with Lost, I don't watch TV anymore. Don't get me wrong, I make up for it with time online, still it is different.

*oh, I didn't really battle a ham demon, I just made that part up. I would never do anything that dangerous. But I am looking for a spelunking group, maybe even in church. I've heard a few people talk about it. I'd love to get in with a group and go explore an abandoned mine, cause that sounds fun and in the least bit not dangerous. Well, except for (in alphabetical order) acid, anthrax, arsenic, bacteria, bats, bears, blackdamp, bobcats, broken glass, carbon monoxide, cave-ins, cyanide, darkness, electrocution, exposed rusty sharp machinery, falling down shafts, falling rocks, flooding, fungus, getting hopelessly lost, hantavirus, hermits (damn new age retro hippies...), hydrogen sulfide, hypothermia from cold water, lack of oxygen, leftover explosives, mercury, methane, mountain lions, nails, natural gas, nitroglycerin, not being able to be rescued, PCBs, poison, possible legal issues, radiation, radon, rattlesnakes, rodents with rabies, rotted timbers, scorpions, solid waste, spiders, this, toxic air, toxic heavy metal deposits, toxic water, underground fires, unstable celings, unstable floors, unstable walls, vertical cliff-like highwalls, wildcats, winzes, and thats only a few. Maybe this isn't such a good idea afterall. I don't know, maybe I'll sleep on it. (no wonder dwarves get such good bonuses v.s. poison)
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