Jun 16, 2008 21:11
On 12 Jun 2008, my housemate drove me to Phoenix for my Customized Lasik... Costing USD 2k plus..
After 2 round of eye examining, Doc able to get my reading correctly and immediately schedule for afternoon surgery.. Of cos, before i went to the LAsik Vision Institute, I have went for my pre-op examination and remark was good to go.. :)
At 1330, I was called in for the pre-surgery among some Ang-mo... Pretty nervous.. The nurse briefed us on the post-surgery stuff.. Like 6hrly on Antibotic drops and Anti-flammtory drops... together with the Refresher drops.. Wear the "special" goggles when on bed.. No swimming for 2 weeks.. ba ba ba..
At 1430, my name was called and the nurse lead me into the ops room.. Super nervous sia... At that moment, I was thinking "What the Fuck i'm here for?" After dripping some medication on my eyes, the Doc came in and starts the ops..
I remembered the Doc say, "Here's my fav game!!!" I nearly freak out cos the surgery happened so sudden and fast.. Only can remember.. "Suction on... Suction off.. Laser on.. Laser off.."
15 mins later... I was asked to open my eyes and walked out of the surgery... Before i left, i even told the Nurse.. "So fast? I'm damn nervous..."
My housemate then brought me back home that night... to rest for tomorrow check-up for post surgery.. (hehe... that night, i even play Dota with my sunglasses on..)
Fortunately, the eye-examiner certify that i have 20/20 prefect eye sight.. So happy..
Comment: I feels like I'm wearing the Contact Lenses.. Just that i don't feel the lenses anymore!!!