Happy Meme

Dec 20, 2008 14:21

Must be some sort of Christmas or Hanukkah miracle if I am posting... ;)

Anyway...saw this meme over at beeej's journal (and also sabaceanbabe's later) and thought: hey, that could be fun. I'm starting mine retro-active for yesterday though, just to be different (and because yesterday kinda sucked for a few hours so I felt I should try to find the good in it...or something.

So...things that made me happy, yesterday:

1. The eps Spellbound and Rashomama were included in the CSI-athon on Spike. How could adorkable Greg 'expert on the occult and noir fan' Sanders not make me happy?

2. My silly crazy awesome coworkers at the store. After the craptastic time I had getting to work (a foot of snow, bus issues with rerouting and not putting out any notification on it, and then hiking over hill and dale to get to the bus all in all it took 1.5 hours to get to work and I was miserable and sweaty and unhappy as hell and thought I lost my watch somewhere along the way). Danielle gave me a hug. Christian said something random and silly (as he often does) and later I got a ride home from Kyle - who grew up a half an hour away from me it turns out (and he found the level of my ubergeekyness to be VERY amusing...it's not my fault I remember all that stuff, honest!). :)

3. I found my watch! It wasn't lost in the snow at all as I had feared, it just hid under a pile of books. Silly watch.

Things that made me happy today.

1. Dirty Jobs mini marathon. I just love that show.

2. Last night's eppy of Sanctuary. Henry got to go on a mission!! And he has a crush on the weathergirl meteorologist! ILU Henry.

Per the rules, I hope to actually post something for the next 8 days. I'm not going to tag anyone else to do it though...I'm a rebel like that. ;)
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