Mar 08, 2005 12:05
Okay, I've been holding this one in a while, but DARN IT ALL! I AM EXCITED, AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW WHY! :) I was emailed last week about an islet cell transplant program at UIC; they wanted me to apply and had pulled my name from a website where I had put my info. So what does this mean for those that don't know what in the world an islet cell is and don't want to Google it? It's the cure for diabetes for 80% of the people who receive it. (Yes, there may be some ugly anti-rejection medicine or whatever, but let's not think about that right now.) It's still in the testing stages, so it's not available to the general public. So I called them up, I passed the questionnaire the phd nurse gave me, and then she submitted it to the doctor who is handling the program who also approved me! So now I'm supposed to fill out the pre-screening paperwork! They're moving so fast that I'll probably know by the end of the week whether I'm approved or not! This is mind numbing b/c they've never considered me before for being too healthy, but it seems they may actually be looking for healthier people these days! *gasp* So here's hoping guys! Stay tuned!