In which Icys feels better and can't stop buying merchandises
May 30, 2010 21:33
Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~
Yuri is just being... Yuri. XD And there's a time I pretend that I'm seeing Guy, not Flynn, to make me feel better from Tales of the Abyss Anime. X_x
I like it when they make Niren kind of father figure to Flynn. |3 Though I can't really understand the story, I have to rewatch it again. But now it's screencap time!
Elwan likes teasing Yuri or something.
Yes this is a fan service.
Flynn joins the drunken fight?
I just realize Yuri = The One. Hee~
Repede is waiting for Lambert. Sadly Yuri hugs him and tells him he's sorry...
Dog food fight!?
Also Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ Official Fan Book get!
Next: Tales of Graces Drama CD vol.1
... I'll be eating instant noodles for the rest of month.