Filtration, Evaporation, Depression.

Feb 08, 2011 17:49

 BOO! I was kidding when I said 'depression'. I'm not that depressed. I'm just tired of school. 
For unknown reasons, I've been tired for these two days.

I had physics test today and I think I did pretty well, eventhough I'm not sure I'll get 40/40. I just hope I'll pass this one. 
Tomorrow I have two tests. Chemistry and mother tongue; malay.

Chemistry is driving me crazy because I barely understand anything. I understand a bit of it but for some reasons, I can't memorize or understand all of it. I really have to ask someone in school tomorrow, damn it.

As for mother tongue, I don't know what to study. So I'm just going to read the textbook. That's all.

Hopefully, I can pass both tests. I don't really need a really high marks for now. PASS will be enough for me.

NOOOW, I can't wait for tomorrow to end because after Wednesday, I don't have any test~ Yay for me.

Gonna stop talking here and do my job. Bye! 


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