You sure can find strange things on Wikipedia. I was looking up Dracula by Bram Stoker (I've started reading it) and through some massive expedition of linking links I came across the Japanese film series "Guinea Pig". ( I only watched the trailer for FOFAB on youtube and I am officially a little queazy. I then went to read the reviews of it on Amazon (morbid things have a way of making you want to read more about them), and everyone loved them. It got me thinking about how strange some people are. I mean slasher/snuff films in general are pretty extreme imo, but then I couldn't help but think about the race issue that might be involved here. I mean do people enjoy it more since it is an Asian woman (or man in one of the other films) since maybe they don't have to think of the people as being real? I mean would there be a different reaction from Westerners if the ones being "brutalized" were white English speakers? One of the reviewers summed it up for me: "The Japanese element is a definite plus and gives it some comic relief". Comic relief??? America certainly has a mass that is too desensitized to violence. Maybe we would be out of the war already if it wasn't.
edit: in a linked article from the Guinea Pig one is a film entitled Cannibal Holocaust. Apparently they killed six animals on film for it. Why do people think to do such things? I have no idea. Also, again with the natives (and on another note they have pretty Japanese-esque names)
edit edit: the more I look around at movies in this vein the more and more I am convinced that there is a race element. I mean there are Japanese women in Hostel too! The one girl is murdered and the other commits harakiri oh oops I mean suicide because of the shame she feels from her disfigured eye! :\
This is a kicker for me about Hostel II: "Former Slovak minister of culture Milan Kňažko played Sasha, the head of the torture ring." CULTURE minister rofl.