(no subject)

Jul 11, 2005 21:26

On the 6006th year and 192th day of creation, the orthodontist said: Let there be rubber bands. And there were. And it was not good. The teeth hurt. The gum lobby organized a picketing protest on Cox Avenue. The IHBO (International Hair Bands Organization) filed a tort claming emotional damage for defacing the name of bands, which was promptly thrown out by Judge Judy. The mouth engaged in urban riots. Finally, the man came up with a brilliant solution: doubling the amount of rubber bands to shorten their duration. It made no sense but was tried anyways. To Be Continued...

Today was supposed to be a productive day, except for it wasn't. I went to work out with people at 9:00, then off to the orthodontist. For lunch there was Pho, to and from where I did not magically transport a lot of people - but not Henry! Burned 'im though :D. We came back and played GC and went swimming, then I played some bridge, then went off to the troop meeting to waste a crapload of time playing frisbee. I must study gov now. Arr...

How am I supposed to tell if this tapping below the collarbone trick is working? Hrmm. They must grow! :D
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