I'm pretty depressed right now, became this way after the service project. The service project was quite fun, though. So right now, I'm working it off on my 5 school projects.
I ditched Save the Bay, CSF's event for KEY's Health and Safety Fair because I thought it would conflict with the Spanish Service project at Sacred Heart. Of course, I doubted I would go to Sacred Heart, mainly because I called, well, yesterday, and we were supposed to call about a week ago to say if we wanted to help or not. I was pretty silly in that I didn't ask when were supposed to meet, so I got a lovely get-here-now call from Tiffany while getting out of the shower.
The project itself was fun, I spent my time setting up tables, moving bleachers (and riding in the trailer!), and setting up a few chairs. The fair itself was the most fun though. There were tons of booths, with tons of free stuff that my klepto asian self grabbed mercilessly. Yes, I now have tons of junk and a lot of candy. There was also a guy that did body composition analysises. I confirmed what I already knew, that I was too skinny, but I didn't know that I needed to gain 32 pounds. In fact, here is my free analysis. Ohboy:
Darren, Tiffany, Janet, Roxanne all got analysed too. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to analyse some people, ie. Kathleen, but I think she already knows what would be on hers. Heh.
I stopped by Darren's house to pick up Office 2003, so that I could write up a resume, and do my PowerPoint presentations.
Afterwards, I went to Barnes & Nobles and Party City. Apparently, the cashier at Barnes & Nobles does not understand: "Can I use my telephone number instead of my member card?" Ohwell, I was just testing B&N, and just pulled out my card after she didn't get it. I needed to get 2 black bowler hats at Party City, but unfortunately they only sell black bowler hats with about 50 billion pounds of decorations on them that are probably more expensive than just a black bowler hat. I just needed a plain one, damnit. Ohwell, got them anyways and tore off the stupid decorations. I stopped by Brian's house later to do an English project, then went home and washed my car off all the silly sap that has accumulated on the windshield.
I still can't get Mr. Buchanan's number, damnit. I've called approximately 5 people and the scout office and emailed him. No response. Goddamnit. Yea, I feel pretty crappy right now.. back to work.
EDIT: Another 11 pullups and 50 pushups all in a row should help out a bit.