Sep 22, 2010 04:09
Originally, I was going to post an emo post about why I'm awake at such a retarded hour, but I'm especially touched after reading the words of encouragement that everyone typed, so I'm gonna type a ゴキゲンなPOST。^^
I was thinking for 15 minutes and I realised I didn't have anything cheerful to say. but I know that I'm not going to let down anyone, not even myself.
but will I be able to uphold such a bold statement?
Another 10 minutes gone to organising my thoughts. Its mostly desperation and I have no wish to post it here. I just wish I could say something constructive and encouraging but I know that it's just the same as lying. It's just a facade. Nothing will change. I think I'll stop here before it gets any worse.
Thanks everyone anyway. Its really heartening to have you support. I love rjcc.