Feb 05, 2004 13:22
So Last night was pretty nice.
At first it sucked cuz me and brandon got in a fight...well if you can call that a fight? More like we were both upset for hurting each other.
But yeah, so we decided we had to see each other. So i went and picked him up and we went to mcdonalds cuz we were hungry but they had already shut down the grills and everything so all they had was soda. So La Shaun gave us sodas and we left. We couldn't think of anywhere else to get food so we came back to my house. Then we talked alot. Then we slept.
So today just hasn't rocked my socks off so far. I was crying earlier.
Not cuz of boys. Not cuz of friends. Not cuz of stress.
Cuz of the same reason i always cry. Cuz my parents.
I think brandon's coming over after school, that'll be nice.
And i get paid today...